Remote Assist Thread Jack

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Thanks for the background on remote assistance.
My nephew Ryan has been working on family members' computers for a long time using this method. I didn't understand it until you explained it. He's in Iowa this summer doing an internship at Honeywell Collins or Rockwell Collins and drafting his Ph.D. dissertation in computer engineering. I've always relied on him to resolve computer problems.

Ryan had to take apart his laptop last summer when he dropped it off a table. Said the fall broke the light, did some other damage. He replaced the light -- said it's kinda like a very long tube -- and did some soldering. Took about 5-6 hours to fix. Didn't cost him very much. Would have cost several hundred somewhere else, he estimated.


Yeah, Ryan has mentioned that blue screen deal. I will need to google for that and print out info as a backup. I've had it happen once or twice, but it resolved immediately.
It's not that big of a deal. If you have a 40 pin ribbon, see if you can't pick up and 80 and replace it. That will give you a little faster data rate on the drive. Oh yeah, be sure you have your OS installation cd too! Wouldn't have been able to help with remote on this deal. That's one of those hands on projects.

Looking back at my post... it wasn't an error 55.. it was error 50.

This stop code means the system tried to access a nonexistent piece of memory, almost always due to:

* A driver trying to access a page of memory that is not present
* A system service (ex. virus scanner) failing in an exceptional way
* Faulty or incorrectly seated memory
* Corrupted data on the hard drive

Use the Windows Debugger to pinpoint the exact cause of these errors.
Things to check:
1 If the Blue Screen error mentions a driver or library file, figure out what driver or program the file is a part of and either upgrade to the latest version or uninstall the driver or program.
2 If the error happens during the startup process, try booting to the Last Known Good Configuration.
3 If the error started appearing after a program or driver was installed, uninstall that program or driver.
4 Try running a full hard drive and memory diagnostic after reseating the memory and hard drive data cables.
I found the above online. I couldn't do the first 3 for my computer was dead. #4, fit my problem... memory tested ok, hard drive didn't pass.

Ross, I installed the new $37 HD this morning. It didn't come with any software so I downloaded an ISO file at Western Digital. Then found out wife's computer wouldn't burn an ISO image file. But found a free program online that fixed that. After burning the CD, ran it and it set up the HD. Then switched to the XP install CD. Only took 30 minutes to install XP, then another 45 or so installing updates up to SP 3. After I got Firefox and Thunderbird running I'm almost back to before the crash. :cool:

The old drive was a 40GB, with 2MB buffer. I replaced it with a 80GB with 6MB buffer. That's pretty small by today's standards but I plan to get a new desktop computer as soon as Windows comes out with the new system.

My next project is hook up the new drive as the master and hook up the old as a slave to see if I can recover anything from it. I'm doubtful I'll be able to open the drive but I feel it's worth a try. :eek:

Yeah, Ryan has mentioned that blue screen deal. I will need to google for that and print out info as a backup. I've had it happen once or twice, but it resolved immediately.
Catwoman, I too have had the blue screen before but it wasn't the same error as this one. They can be caused from many, many different errors.
My next project is hook up the new drive as the master and hook up the old as a slave to see if I can recover anything from it. I'm doubtful I'll be able to open the drive but I feel it's worth a try. :eek:

This might sound silly, but it's worked in the past. Put the bad drive in the freezer for a couple hours before you slave it. It might last long enough to get the data off of it.
This might sound silly, but it's worked in the past. Put the bad drive in the freezer for a couple hours before you slave it. It might last long enough to get the data off of it.

Tanks... I'll sure give that a try, you're not the only one that's made that suggestion. I need one page of info that's on the drive. I have a 750GB external drive that I had everything backed up to except that one page. :(
Ross, the freeze job didn't do the trick. After computer started I got notification on task bar that Windows had found new hardware. I right clicked on the icon but got nothing, then the icon disappeared. Looking in My Computer, the drive is not showing... same as before.
Ross, the freeze job didn't do the trick. After computer started I got notification on task bar that Windows had found new hardware. I right clicked on the icon but got nothing, then the icon disappeared. Looking in My Computer, the drive is not showing... same as before.

You might try to find someone with Linux running. We've had great success in retrieving stuff off a 'dead' drive when Windows wouldn't touch it.
Hi All,

Just after a bit of advice.

I am now 11 weeks post op and am hopefully coming of the Warfarin in a few weeks (mitral repair). My INR was stable at 2.6 (taking 5mg 5 days and 6mg 2 days) and was at the stage that they put me to 4 weekly tests. I had a test last Wednesday and my INR had dropped to 1.4. They increased my dose to 6mg per day and told me to re-test today. Today it came back at 1.4 again. They have now told me to take 6mg for 2 days and 7mg for 5 days.

Now to me, that doesn't seem like much of an increase for such a low INR so I am wondering if the GP is dosing me correctly. Over the last 4 weeks my exercise levels have increased from 1 mile walks a day to much longer walks 3+ miles most days and 2 cardio rehab sessions (1 hr in the gym) so I am guessing thats the reason for the level change as nothing else has really changed.

Can anyone offer me any advice on this matter? As I said, I'm due to have an ECG next week and if I am in sinus rhythm, I can come off the warfarin so I'm not too worried but I'd like to know just incase I don't come off it.

Thanks in advance,


Interesting tid-bit;
this thread has gone from an INR reading to isn't that a sex :D
You might try to find someone with Linux running. We've had great success in retrieving stuff off a 'dead' drive when Windows wouldn't touch it.

I've never used Linux?
The drive seems to be dead, dead. I ran Western Digital diagnostics on the bad drive and it didn't do a thing other than SMART error popped up. Just for kicks I ran it on the new drive, I had an option of short test and long.. I picked the 5 min... and of course it passed.

The old drive is so bad that it doesn't show up in BIOS as a slave.

Sorry about getting off subject but Ross started it. ;)

What is all this talk of hardware and software - sounds like sex to me, or in the latter case, lack of sex.
When you get as old as me, you work with the tools that still work. :eek: :D
It is a shame there isn't some way you can earn a little money with this (I was going to say talent, but I was afraid you would think I was referring to sex not computers) knowledge where you could work at home even an hour or so a day. (altho now that I am thinking about it maybe that could be said of both your talents.) IF companies can have people across the Ocean who I do not know let alone trust work in my computer, they should offer stay at home jobs here. I know comcast has fixed my computer thrw remote and I THINK Norton did when I got a couple bad viruses (hmm interesting trojan could play a part in both subjects).
It is a shame there isn't some way you can earn a little money with this (I was going to say talent, but I was afraid you would think I was referring to sex not computers) knowledge where you could work at home even an hour or so a day. (altho now that I am thinking about it maybe that could be said of both your talents.) IF companies can have people across the Ocean who I do not know let alone trust work in my computer, they should offer stay at home jobs here. I know comcast has fixed my computer thrw remote and I THINK Norton did when I got a couple bad viruses (hmm interesting trojan could play a part in both subjects).

This post just goes to prove that I can indeed corrupt ones mind. Soon I'll have full control of the planet. :cool: