I think people need to be careful in their choices of words. Stuff like "I think that .." and "as far as I know...." is much better than saying stuff like:
when actually (as discussed below) it is something to do with coagulation and anticoagulation.
Given how we all are frustrated by mis-information on anticoagulation (especially from the medical professionals who "care" for us), I think it behooves us to try to not add to that steaming pile of mis-information.
So if you have doubt in your mind instead express to suggest that:
As far as I know, Vitamin K1 is the coagulant vitamin. I don't think K2 has anything to do with coagulation."
Many people read these forums and take away what we say. So if you speak with absolutes then people may not read the small print disclaimers.
Anyway, to clear up a few things: as you said:
essentally vitamin K does not effect warfarin ... warfarin effects how our body process vitamin K (and does not act on vitamin K directly).
First, what is Vitamin K
note that they are chemically very similar because they are just variants of each other ... importantly animals can convert K1 to K2 ... (which would make K2 not actually a vitamin but I digress)
both play a role
and we see the method of action of warfarin ...
So to be clear, both K1 and K2 effect coagulation. Warfarin does not act on Vitamin K (the body uses it thus disabling it, then warfarin prevents the recycling of the "digested" version back to a digestable version"
now onto the issues of calcium ... there is some research on this and as it stands at the moment there is nothing conclusive.
so basically as I understand the situation, we just don't know about bone calcium and vitamin K yet ... anyway
Merry Christmas to everyone