waiting room
waiting room
Well, I'm here too. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting....... the cardiologist said that I needed it done, but that he needs to talk to the surgeon. The surgeon was out of town, and as soon as he got back, he left on a family emergency. Surgeon gets back Monday. Hopefully my date will be set next week. I'm very anxious to get it all over with, as I'm sure you all quite understand!! My questions concern the "small" things... Do I really need a recliner chair? WIll I be able to walk up the 5 stairs to the bathroom from the living room when I get home? Will my ribs ever heal completely? (o.k, so that's not really a small thing).
Also of course, the biggies.... will I be able to handle the ventilator? (i'm thinking about asking them to sedate me). Will the chest tubes hurt horribly?? (and YES, I will ask for morphine) I'm mostly just anxious to get it over with. I have many family members and friends who love me dearly so I know that I will not be alone..... I know this week is going to be the worst of it. Waiting....waiting....waiting.....waiting....waiting....
Thank you, bfdr, for your kind post and obvious concern. After I've been through it, I'll be right back here rooting every one else on!!!!