Dear all,
I have an echo coming up this Friday, and obviously I'm a bit worried that anything might be wrong, had a CT scan last January and MRI, and been told I will not need anything done for a very long time, but, I just can't help thinking that I will be having surgery this weekend!!!! I know, anxiety! Anyways, may I kindly ask some questions to those who had surgery already please?
1. Do you live a normal life? Yes, better than before surgery.
2. Can you enjoy a drink, you know, getting a bit tipsy and have fun? Yes, had a few nights that I had one too many, and no issues.
3. Can you do sports? Light weight lifting to tone, jogging, cycling? Yes, I can do more now that I could before.
4. Can you have normal ***? Yes
5. Don you function normal at work? Yest
6. Did you worry before surgery that you're going to die? Of course, who doesn't.
7. Are you moody with your family, friends and loved ones? No
I'm sure I have more questions, but, maybe these play in my mind alot, hope you can be kind enough to provide some answers.