Question regarding life on anti-coagulants

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My daughter has pretty intense prisms. Last time she had a vision exam the doc kept asking, which is clearer, this or this? Ok it is clear? Ok great. Until she said “it’s in focus but there are two of them.” 😂 be careful what questions you ask I guess!
I've done those same tests. For years I thought that everybody saw two!
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if you mean Harriet she also had a lot of co-morbidities and her OHS was not her first rodeo.
Sounds really tough, actually. After the surgery I concluded that "in order to take care of a serious medical problem, it's better to be healthy to start with". Meaning that the outcome and experience is much better if the patient is in a decent physical shape and doesn't have comorbidities. Some of which is just the cards we were given, but there is also the part one can work on, in principle.

After the surgery I concluded that "in order to take care of a serious medical problem, it's better to be healthy to start with".

oh, I couldn't agree more. I often say that this small bit of membrane (the valve) is the tip of an large and ongoing cascade of triggered health problems. Much time and effort is going into the research of why we shouldn't act late on surgery ... so while the "best middle ground" is yet to be uncovered, we need to think earlier than later.

We (in my view) also need to think of "what lies beyond the surgery" ... as I've observed here that people can't see past that fog, but you must still lay plans for the expectable outcomes of choices.

pardon me, I'll just show myself out.

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