Susan BAV
Okay, Stretch, I'm in a worry-wart kind of mood. But, you also won't want to be breathing lots of contagious air from germy people after your surgery, because coughing and sneezing is an EXTREMELY UNPLEASANT -- EVEN PAINFUL experience following OHS. The first time I sneezed was a couple of months after OHS and
, was I sorry for not holding my sternum!
If you decide not to pack your bike and running shoes, like Philip suggested
, then I really like the idea about finding a nice hotel/motel suite. Some friends of ours recently stayed for a week in Manhattan and they said that they rented a beautiful (and clean) apartment for less than a motel would have cost. Just an idea to keep expenses down, although room service sounds more fun to me. By the way, you may know that lots of delis and restaurants and such deliver to hotel rooms in NYC and my husband and I have been amazed at how fast they deliver and how inexpensive that is too. You will probably be on a reduced fluid intake and a no/low salt diet though, so keep that in mind.
BTW also, that "popping stitches" post you wrote was something else
If you decide not to pack your bike and running shoes, like Philip suggested
BTW also, that "popping stitches" post you wrote was something else