Question for the ladies

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I have a question for the ladies. what is an internal organ that is on your right abdomin, and in front? Mine has been aching for about 3 months, and I knowI should have gotten it checked out, but I guess I have been scared to see what it could be...I don't want to have a hysterectomy, that's the last thing i need! I have any appointment with my PCP on 12/10 for my yearly womanly exam. Not looking forward to it, and I hope I don't get my period then:rolleyes: I guess I will ask him then. It only hurts when I push on it, and it is sort of the right middle lower abdomin. I have had two c-sections, so maybe it's that? I had a tubal ligation with my last c-section.
Don't they usually remove the appendix during a C-Section routinely?? If not, I would vote for that! But, of course, this was a question for a different gender. Sorry for butting in.

They used to remove appendix routinely while they were 'in there' but don't think it's the norm always, these days. Particularly w/c-sections. Someone will correct me if I am wrong.


I had a cyst on my right Ovary when I was age 20..Had the Ovary removed. Didn't think I could have children..Wrong.bim.bam. thank you Mam:D 2 within 21 months:D :D Bonnie
funny you should bring up that subject. I'm seeing my OBGYN today. Last Thursday I had a terrible pain on my right side in the groin area. I had trouble sitting all weekend. I saw my GP monday he said thats gyno problem. He said the appendix is higher right side high near the belly button. Meanwhile I'm feeling better but I'm still going.
I once had a cyst on my left ovary about 4 years ago. Which disappeared on its own. It also affected my period it was only spotty at that time.
YOU know theres no rule you have to wait for your yearly appt. If you have a concern go sooner.
I had precancerous cells and cyro surgery several years ago and I don't fool with this stuff.
hope you feel better.
Hi Everyone!
I have had two c-sections and they do not remove the appendix during that surgery. I agree with everyone else, you should have it checked out by your doc. My mother had appendicitis and she just sat around with it until it burst open and then she had an infection in her blood due to the appendix bursting. I think if you have been having this tenderness for awhile it may not be the appendix because usually it progresses to very painful in a short time, but then again, I am not a doc, so please get it checked out. Let us know what happens.

Take Care!
Hi Joy,

I had an appendectomy in July.

I had been experiencing pain as you describe for quite some time but had always dismissed it as just being a cramping connected with periods, or from some of my meds. WRONG!!!

My PCP referred me to the surgeon (after running a battery of tests), who didn't think it was appendix either, but since we had ruled out other things without finding a cause he decided to do exploratory surgery. When I woke up he told me that he had taken my appendix out... that it was a little inflamed but not bad. The pathology report on it though was "accute appendicitis". I have not had the pain since. :)

Take care,
That is interesting information. See you do learn new things on this forum everyday. I had no idea that you could have appendicitis and pain for that long. I thought it was something that progressed pretty quickly. Thanks for the information.

Joy: I hope you get it checked out soon. Take Care!

Like Zazzy, I, too had pain/soreness for a long time. I was young with two small ones, a husband in college, a job and no time for getting sick. I could lie down on the bed, feet hanging to floor, press the spot and it would hurt. When I finally had it checked, the dr said NOW and we did. Don't know how bad it was but I now know that leaving this go can be very, very dangerous. So, Joy, you know what to do. Right? Love Grandmother/Mom