Pulmonary Hypertension update

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Kathy McCain

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2008
Hi All,

Just thought I'd let you know I consulted with my cardio today, regarding the last echo. Regarding the "mild pulmonary hypertension", he said "it's a non-issue, not to worry, and please forget about it." "My echo was great, and the numbers are within normal range". He certainly understood my concern but, "if I thought there was a problem, believe me I would definitely let you know." He seemed a bit irritated with the summary of "Mild pulmonary hypertenison", saying it could, in his opinion, be a typo.

He asked what my husband, and I were doing for the holidays. (hubby came with me)
I also set another appt for my usual 6 mos consultation.
That's wonderful news Kathy, glad your cardio is on top of things.

Yes, I am relieved! It's going to be a wonderful Holiday Season.

Take care everyone!