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Richard L

I had an aotric valve replacement Op back in Feb this year, and after much debate and research decided uon a new procedure.

The particular OP I had was a world first, developed by Cardiomend Inc. in the USA...a Stentless autologous Pericardial valve. All seems to have gone well.

My Hospital (Harefield , UK) Have just approached me wishing to do a press release about the procedure and asked if I minded being included in the release and talking to the press. (They will totally respect my decision, either way)

I am really in 2 minds(at least!) about this.

My original response was ok, but so long as my identity remained anonymous. They will respect this but they did add that it would limit the interest of the story as the Mass media only tended to print medical/scientific stories from "personal interest" angles.
If I remained anonymous it would limit the coverage it got, and they were hoping for the possibiliy of TV (BBC) coverage.

I am deeply suspicous of the press, too many people here in the UK have had very bad experiences with the press....... being quoted out of context, misquoted and even having outright lies written about them and recently having anonymity promises dishonoured...... Especially by the Tabloids. People who have inocently been interviewed about a particular issue have found totally unrelated outrageous stories apprearing about them in print.

...... and yet I don't mind contributing to a genuine scientfic interest article.

Does anyone here have any thoughts or experiences about dealing with the media/press. Is there anyway of dealing with TV or Newspapers and maintaining control/ integrity?
Can they be trusted or is it Pandora's box? (Stupid question really)

Thanks for any advice
Richard :confused:
Congratulations on your successful surgery.

My advice to you is to hire a laywer. I know most people hate lawyers, but I have had some experience with this type of thing. You might have heard news over in the UK about the Dilley Sextuplets, 6 babies born in the US about 8 years ago. I know the international media hounded those parents about the births for a long time, tabloid reporters tried to bribe their way into the hospital to take photos of the babies, a real circus. Anyway the parents hired an attorney to handle all media and eventually did an exclusive story with one t.v. reporter, thus ensuring that their privacy was not violated and that if some issue arose, they were protected.
While your story may seems straight forward to us, someone might try to put a negative slant on it such as: "Doctors play God."
This happened to the Dilley's. They were critized for using infertility treatments. Now, whether you agree with that or not, it was their personal choice. Your surgery was your personal choice too and you wouldn't want someone distorting what has been a positive for you and your family.
Beware of the press and good luck. Continued good health, too.

Hi Richard,

Personally I would not be interested in a name print. Take a look at the number of publications out there without a "name or face". Do not feel that would have ANY impact on coverage or acceptance. Why would it? Most people are interested in the simple baseline, not 'who had it'. Unless you are of celebrity status. ;)

So happy the new technology worked out for you.
All the best.
Interesting question, Richard. I have an intense mistrust of the media (particularly the print media) as I have had jobs in the past where I was extensively quoted and rarely did they ever get it right. I can only imagine how much worse it could be in the UK as I've been there and read your tabloids. At least in the US our tabloids aren't considered legit newspapaers but they seem to be there.

Now, all that said, I think you may have some positives going in your case. First, this is more of a "feel-good" feature story rather than a news stroty. They won't feel like they have a Pulitzer Prize lurking if they can just "dig deeper". My problem was that they always had an "angle". I can't imagine any angle here other that to show something innovative and helpful

You could always refuse to give an interview to the known bad papers. Another condition I used to do was only grant interviews in person (phone interviews can be more easily misconstrued) and I would tape the conversation with their knowledge. Amazing how much more accurate they reported when they knew I could take a tape to their editor!

Your procedure does sound very interesting and I for one would love to read about. Good luck.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.

This isn't the type of story that the media is going to salivate over (unless your last name is Branson or "The Third").

They will do a photo and a couple of hundred words and that will likely be the end of it.
Thanks for all your help and advice

I've still got several days to make my mind up
I'm leaning towards being cautious and keeping my name out of the press. If they should wish to contact me they can do so solely through the hospital press office. However The hospital will probably wait for another patient to consent before going public.

Just have to miss my 15 mins......!

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