Provachol (pravastatin) and weight gain - oh Throw-downers!!!!!

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Has anyone read about, or experienced, weight gain when taking Provachol? I started it at the beginning of September and I am struggling like crazy to not gain weight. That's the only explanation I can come up with for why I have not lost any weight in Cooker's throw-down. To look at the scale today you'd think I was hitting the Halloween candy hard and fast and I haven't touched it. True, I have "cheated" from time to time, but based on my history, what I've been eating should not be causing this type of weight issue.

I Googled it and it says weight gain is not a side-effect, yet several people have reported it. One medical site went on to say that if you're experiencing weight gain it isn't the drug, but your "life style". Well, my life style hasn't changed. In fact my eating is better. I'm tempted to stop taking it and see what happens, my cholesterol isn't that high and my HDL was good prior to the pravastatin.

I need a shoulder to cry on!!!!!!
Cry away, Karlynn:) ........maybe a trial run of stopping this med would be a good idea, at least you would have an answer based on you and nothing else. Then you can move forward accordingly.
Karlynn I don't know about that medication, but do know since starting on Evista for bone loss I have gained 10lbs!:mad: that is a lot of weight on my less than 5ft frame!
Sorry that you are having these side effects. What is that medicine for? is there a possible substitute?
It's for cholesterol. I was previously on Lipitor, but was getting bad cramping in my hands and feet. I think I'm having other muscle and joint pain issues with this now too. My cholesterol isn't that high. I think I'm just going to stop it until I talk to my card.

I started taking pravachol June 27. At that time, my LDL was 119 and my HDL was 43. When I saw my GP September 4, my LDL had gone down to 77, but my HDL had gone down to 37, overall cholesterol was 128. It wasn't until about a week and a half later that I started noticing cramping in my toes, feet and calves, plus muscle ache in my calves.

I stopped taking the pravachol to see if the cramps and pain would stop and they did. I just had another blood test by another doctor. My LDL was 116 but my HDL was 49. My triglycerides were 167.

I know I've tried more diligently in the summer to lose weight and could only lose seven pounds. I honestly don't know if the pravachol had anything to do with that, but may have as I was really sticking to WW for a number of weeks.

I don't think my cholesterol levels warrant taking a statin, but I'd like some others' educated thoughts on this.

I hope I didn't say too much that didn't directly apply to your situation Karylnn. I guess what I'm saying is that my numbers weren't that bad, but I had the same pain from pravachol. Also, my weight loss results were less than I would normally get.

Thanks Cindy, you were very helpful. It has become more difficult over the years to lose weight (I used to be able to drop a few pounds so easily), but it doesn't seem like I can do anything to lose even a pound and keep it off and am starting to gain about 4 this weekend and we didn't even have a big food-intense weekend. It doesn't make sense since I've really been watching what I eat. The only thing that's changed is the addition of the Provachol.

I'm going to give a shot without it - maybe until Thanksgiving, and then if it seems that was the culprit, I'll discuss other options with my card.

(and it's not fluid retention as far as I can tell. My ankles and hands are still the same. Rings are loose as usual.)

Can I ask what you think about my cholesterol numbers? How do yours compare (in general)? I don't think my LDL is bad enough to take a statin, plus my HDL is much better without the medication. I wonder if the good HDL isn't more important than my doctor seems to think it is; I can't help but wonder if he's had too much influence from pharmaceutical reps.



According to my PCP those numbers are a lot better than mine, and I don't take any meds for cholesterol. Do you have some history of coronary artery disease?I don't see why they'd put you on that stuff.:confused: All the best, Brian
BDMc said:
According to my PCP those numbers are a lot better than mine, and I don't take any meds for cholesterol. Do you have some history of coronary artery disease?I don't see why they'd put you on that stuff.:confused: All the best, Brian

Thanks Brian; I appreciate it. I don't personally have coronary artery disease, but my brother does. He's had five angioplasties over the past twenty years.
Cindy, your over-all number is good. According to this article on WebMD your LDL is fine, it's your HDL (the good cholesterol) that is too low. So I'm not sure how you go about raising your HDL. At the time he put you on Provachol your LDL was a bit too high, but your HDL was still too low. So you lowered your bad cholesterol, but you also lowered your good cholesterol.

Here's another article I found when I Googled "How to raise HDL"

Truthfully, I think we're both on the right track in the Throw-down. We just need to make healthier choices in eat. Easier said than done!!!!!

Best wishes.
Karlynn said:
Cindy, your over-all number is good. According to this article on WebMD your LDL is fine, it's your HDL (the good cholesterol) that is too low. So I'm not sure how you go about raising your HDL. At the time he put you on Provachol your LDL was a bit too high, but your HDL was still too low. So you lowered your bad cholesterol, but you also lowered your good cholesterol.

Here's another article I found when I Googled "How to raise HDL"

Truthfully, I think we're both on the right track in the Throw-down. We just need to make healthier choices in eat. Easier said than done!!!!!

Best wishes.

Thanks Karlynn! I think you're right. For me, if I can eat moderately and healthily and lose some weight in the next few months before I see my doctor, I think all my numbers will be in a good range.

I read both links and they were helpful! Wise's cardio seems to think that HDL is just as important as LDL. I didn't know that normal HDL was 60 or above; it's good that I know that my HDL is even lower than I thought it was :eek: .



I just looked at my most recent lipids June..Very confusing because the letter was normal. or diabetes/heart patients?I do not consider myself as being a heart patient..:) . I consider myself age life to the fullest..after my surgery 5 1/2 years ago..:) . No problems..Looked at the HDL..mine was 67... Read the heart people, ect. theirs HDL....should be greater than 40..( mine was 67)........My Sister is going thru all this statin drug stuff now..She had 2 stents last many meds..don't know which ones to quit..due to muscle aches, ect... I know she must be on Plavix for 1 year..and needs surgery for toes, ect..but NO one will do it..until she comes off Plavix..Also taking a statin drug..and she said today..her jaw even hurts her..Checked with her dentist..x-rays , ect..must be her statin drug?..:confused: ....Feel sorry for her..Bonnie
Granbonny said:
I just looked at my most recent lipids June..Very confusing because the letter was normal. or diabetes/heart patients?I do not consider myself as being a heart patient..:) . I consider myself age life to the fullest..after my surgery 5 1/2 years ago..:) . No problems..Looked at the HDL..mine was 67... Read the heart people, ect. theirs HDL....should be greater than 40..( mine was 67)........My Sister is going thru all this statin drug stuff now..She had 2 stents last many meds..don't know which ones to quit..due to muscle aches, ect... I know she must be on Plavix for 1 year..and needs surgery for toes, ect..but NO one will do it..until she comes off Plavix..Also taking a statin drug..and she said today..her jaw even hurts her..Checked with her dentist..x-rays , ect..must be her statin drug?..:confused: ....Feel sorry for her..Bonnie


Your HDL is really good!

Is your sister on any medication for osteoporosis, i.e. Actinel, Fosamax, Boniva, etc.? If so, she needs to check with doctor. The Jaw pain could be a serious side effect of those type meds.

I am having the same trouble as you Karlynn...a few extra kilos/pounds of stubborn weight :mad: ...I tried to blame mine on the Beta-blockers except I took them before OHS and actually lost weight without even trying so I cant really blame them for this hey?!...:confused: ...I too take a Statin but my weight-gain came on before the Statin so again it cant be blamed....the only thing I can come up with is that I dont move my body enough...too many calories in and not enough out!

I sympathise with you...its very very very frustrating.