Problems with lisinoprol

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May 13, 2011
Fargo, ND
I'm one year out of my aeortic valve replacement surgery. I had an artifical mechanical valve put in. I'm a very active (run marathons, triathlons) 22 year old male. I take lisiniprol for high blood pressure. Every once in a while I extreme dizziness. I feel like I'm going to pass out and everything begins to get very blurry. Once I sit down my dizziness goes away after a while. My doctor says it's because I'm dehydrated but I feel like I drink a lot of water everyday and it seems to happen. This only happens about once a month. Does anybody else have problem with this? Is there something wrong with me besides being dehydrated or should I start chugging more water?
Jason, I'm not an athlete, but did exercise pretty regularly after surgery. My cardiologist reduced my lisinopril dosage after I complained of lightheadedness, and I monitored my blood pressure for a while to demonstrate it was in range. You might also post this question on the Active Lifestyles forum. I'm guessing some of them might have some advice about excess water consumption, too. I don't think a doctor should dismiss extreme dizziness.
Lisinopril can raise potassium level. Have you had it checked? That might be something worth checking.
I have not had my potassium levels checked. I didn't know about that. Thanks for letting me know. I'm probably going to get that looked at and see if my doctor can lower my dosage. I'm on 12.5 mg. What's the average dosage?
Two things:
1. Yes, I have had similar experiences.
2. I agree with Duff Man. What are you even on it? I am at this time, but because it is a low dose (2.5mg), I have not pushed to get off it yet, but will soon. Years ago, I was on it and tried desperately to get a Cardio to take me off it. Finally, I met my current Cardio who did a search and pulled up a research paper show that there was no difference between post-op patient who were on it and those taking a baby asprin. He switched me...and the dizzy spells went away. I was put on it again after surgery last year.

Stay Welll
I gather you are on lisinopril for hypertension. Not a bad reason. Me too. it works well. However, your dose is quite low. Some cardiologists use low dose lisinopril based on some belief that it aids in cardiac "remodeling" after OHS.

Most often dizziness would be a sign of low blood pressure, which certainly would be augmented by dehydration. You should be monitoring your own blood presure, particularly when you have these episodes. For me, exercise has a dramatic effect to lower blood pressure and I have experienced dizzy episodes at times when it drops. For example, I may be 130/80 before 1.5 hours of cardio work and 95/50 after. That's too low. I had to cut back on my antihypertensives. in fact, I'm hoping to eliminate them by losing more weight and exercising more. It is pretty well established now that low blood pressure presents dangers too, not just high blood pressure. And I'm not talking about ridiculously low numbers but just somewhat low. So, check your own BP if you don't already. Decent home BP monitors are inexpensive.
I had reactions similar to allergies. It did lower my BP to 100/65-70 but with a cost. Dizziness, unclear thinking, headaches, nausea, diarrhea and facial redness before stomach reactions. Sunlight was a trigger several times.
Jason, my reply earlier was rather terse, but the reason I ask is because you're a young guy and hypertension for a young guy is pretty rare. Please do make sure that your blood pressure is taken accurately. Use the instructions on this page from the University of Michigan to take your own blood pressure at home:

I probably seem skeptical, and this is because I am because I found out a while back that I was taking a hypertension medication for no reason. A doctor's office was using the wrong size cuff to judge whether to put me on medications. A cuff that's too small can skew the results by as much as 25-30mmhg. Caveat emptor my friend.
I feel very strongly about not having to take meds you don't have to. Since surgery I've felt disoriented, foggy, dizzy/vertigo type feeling, eyes have a hard time focusing on stuff sometimes I have to look away for a moment because it feels like my eyes are going crossed things like this on and off through out the day, some days are worse than others. Just recently I've been dealing with freezing hands during certain times of the day! I'm on metoprolol, lipitor, warfarin, and baby aspirin. I'm thinking all these feelings are being amplified by the metoprolol I'm taking. Could be anything but to me metoprolol is number one suspect, currently on 75mg.

I don't have high blood pressure problems but the doc has given me metoprolol for high heart rate and PVC's after surgery. Like everyone else to assist in remodeling of the heart. I'm 4 months post op and my doctor wanted to take me off of metoprolol about two months ago but at that time I was complaining about funky heart beats and feelings in my chest so he kept me on it.

Overall the PVC's/funky heart beats have settled down and especially heart rate has been stable in the 60's at rest. My blood pressure now is 100/65 on average, which is too low for me I think. Yesterday I had a "vertigo" type episode which afterword made me nauseous and just not right and I couldn't eat thanksgiving dinner. Felt kinda bad for a few hours after that. Got home and felt better started to munch and had 2 vodka tonics and slept good.

I'm seeing the cardio for a stress test this Tuesday because my pacemaker is suspect for adjustment, I believe the pacemaker is being a little too aggressive during workouts and pacing my heart too fast when on the treadmill (rate response feature). I took it upon myself to cut my dose of metoprolol a couple of day ago from 75mg to 50mg. Making a subtle adjustment should be safe and I'm not worried because the cardio was going to take me off of it completely a couple of months ago.

I'm typing all this because again I feel strongly about not taking things you don't have to. I'm truly learning that recovery from surgery like this includes a lot of trial and error with medication. In the end you don't want to take any pill you don't have to or can avoid taking by lifestyle changes. I'm my case I just hope its not the warfarin causing this because I'm screwed if that's the case! LOL(nervous laugh):confused2:
Jason, did you have surgery here in Fargo, or did you travel somewhere else to have it done?

As to the dizziness, I never did have extreme dizziness. I did have episodes where I found it hard to focus my eyes, and particularly when driving this can be worrisome to say the least. I haven't had that for five or six months, I am guessing, but I do remember getting quite concerned when it did happen. You said you were a year out from surgery; has this been happening since surgery?
I had my surgery on Aug 2 of this year (2011) . I have had a few episodes of dizziness. It drives me nuts. My blood pressure was anywhere from 95/46 to 115/50 . My doc just lowered my Metoprolol from 50mg twice a day to 25mg twice a day. I'm taking Pravastatin for cholesterol, 200 mg of Amioderone, 10mg of lisinopril once a day. I can still do things but the dizzy spells are a pain in the butt at times.. Im ALWAYS light headed. Hoping it will resolve soon. I'll get the doc to move the meds around a bit to see if it improves.