Probably late June

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Hi all - I posted a while ago under Valve Selections (New Here). I had my followup with cardiologist and the surgeon and while am I only just severe, we all agreed that there is really no reason to postpone.

So I will be calling the surgeon to schedule late June. With 3 children 6-11 that works out best. Of course, I have the usual questions; scared of "pumphead"; etc., etc.

But I have some very basic questions on the early days and weeks of recovery.

Sleepwise - I sleep on my stomach, sides, etc. It seems very "squished" up when I thinking of a healing sterum - this does not seem good. I have already decided to rent a recliner... I am just wondering with my poor sleep habits and the health of my sternum, how long I should plan on sleeping in it. Or anyone with similiar sleep habits have any advice?

The other big question is getting ready is the length of the scar and since I will be post op in the summer - will a normal v neck show the scar? So I should be prepared to stick with crew necks?

I know these seem trivial. I do have lots of other questions, but when I do a search on this site I find answers! Especially tons of information concerning the choice of valves and the more medical aspects of the surgery. So I guess this is a testiment to the awesome amount of information on this site! For instance I read the information on preventing infecting first here and then my newspaper!

Thanks for everything! I will let you know the "official" date soon!
YOu might just learn to sleep on your back, I did. And I run an air purifier so I don't hear the sound of my heart beating, something which both mechanical and tissue valvers have reported, something to do with cutting the pericardium and also just being "aware."

I didn't have to rent a recliner, but enjoy yours. Everyone's scar is different. I had some injections from a dermatologist that really brought the swollen parts down and the rest is fading. they have creams, you'll be fine. good luck and keep us all posted on your progress! :)
Hi Caroline!
Although I never sleep on my back, I had good luck putting pillows under my knees and sleeping on my back in my regular bed - sort of mimics the fetal position some people sleep in on their side. Many people report sleep troubles after surgery, but I did okay this way. Probably the pain killer helped! :)

Scars do vary, but my guess is that most will show some with a v-neck. I have a very short scar (about 3.5 inches), and it even shows on some of the lower cut crew necks. You'll likely grow more comfortable with it being visible over time, but I'd go with mostly crews if this is a concern for you. Best, Kate

No question is trivial....

Remember that, puh-lease. From now until the time you are fully recovered, really take the time to communicate your thoughts, feeling, doubts, etc.

I speak to way too many people who spend their recoveries "in their head", if you know what I mean.

As for the scaring, I've got a nine-inch zipper that is almost impossible to see anymore. I'm about 1.5 years post-op. I used Mederma to help with the healing.

Here are some pictures of me after open-heart, valve surgery, if you are interested.

I hope that helps.


I used to sleep on my sides, but since my OHS I've tended to sleep on my back now. I can sleep on my sides, but I've gotten used to my back I guess. For the first 6 weeks or so post-op and slept on my bed propped up will pillows as I didn't have a recliner. After that I could sleep flat on my back.

As others have mentioned, everyone's scar is different. I seem to recall a "poll" on scar length a while back. In any event, I wear some clothes with a modest V neck and it doesn't show unless I bend over a bit. I do have some sleeveless T-shirts with fairly wide crew necks and you get a pretty good view of the scar....a conversation starter :D

For the first 3 weeks after surgery I was still on pain pills ands was able to sleep on my back, although I woke up every hour or two. After stopping the pain pills, I could not sleep on my back, so I moved to a sofa and slept on my side. I could lean back somewhat, with my back against the back of the sofa, and did not feel pain in the sternum.

I am now at 12-weeks post-op and still have trouble sleeping, although I am getting about 6 hours per night (in spurts) now. There are many postings and threads on this site devoted to the sleep problem - almost everybody seems to experience some changes to their sleeping habits after OHS. My personal theory is that the meds they give you after surgery contribute to the sleeplessness. As Temp69 inferred, some people also hear the sound of their heart beating a lot stronger than before surgery. I experience that and have told myself that it is a sign of a strong, healthy heart.

Best wishes to you as you prepare for your June surgery.