Pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but wanted confirmation

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Ok fine, don't shovel, it might be bad for you as per the comments here! but, I disagree with comments like Bina's. What, you've actually seen this chap's medical records? Or you know how large his aneurysm was? Or you was his pcp? Comments like this kept me anxious for over 4 years, and if you cannot put all the pieces together, then it's best if you don't comment! Especially, also, capitalising the word DIE etc!

It is regrettable that people need to capitalize and resort to dire situational examples, however it is often frustrating when attempting to communicate a problem to people that the choose not to listen or perhaps are simply unable to get the significance of points which are subtle.

Do you know the medical records, or the size of the aneurysm? Will you accept any responsibility if the person dies because they follow your advice?

I am sorry that you suffered some anxiety during your condition. Actually you know what? I think all of us here have.

It is even possible that you are here and alive right now because you did follow that advice which caused you anxiety.

You see being precautionary means that you recognise that something lost can not be replaced and that you place high value upon that. Viewed this way it means the people who advised you did not wish to see you dead and cautioned you to act in a way that was safe.

The part that so few seem to grasp it is only they (and maybe not even them) who know just where the limits are.

The caution may err on being too conservative, but erring on the other side risks death.

Anxiety can be a reaction to situations one does not understand. The solution is to understand well and think and accept risks based on knowledge. If you learned that in 4 years then I would say that was worth it. Some people never learn it.

My wife bought a horse whip when my aneurysm was diagnosed. We were in the midst of renovating our house. She warned me that if I popped my aorta while doing heavier work than I had been cautioned that she would give me a flogging that would embarrass my father.

Isn't it just like a stubborn Finn to flog a dead horse :)

None the less it kept me from doing stupid things.
I know this thread is weeks old and probably no longer pertinent but I wonder......

If you have daughters, willing and able, to do the shoveling, why would you do it?
It is likely far safer for the young ladies to do it than Mom given current medical condition.

Let the strong young 'uns do it. :)
They likely can mow the lawn as well.

P.S my friend DIED crossing the road 7 years ago, does this mean I should not risk it?

my wife was hit by cars crossing the road on pedestrian crossings at least twice IIRC. She did not stop crossing roads but was more vigilant even though she was on a pedestrian crossing.

Let me offer an alternative metaphor:

You are in Camboida, and you have to walk through a field. You have heard that a year or so ago a boy had his legs blown off by a landmine left behind from the war. You have no choice but to walk through the field. With apprehension and anxiety you walk though the field and emerge on the other side without incident. You are very relieved

Does this mean you should say "well that was a crock of 5hit, I didn't need to worry about that" ? Would you be more confident walking back though it?
Jayhawk- use a small shovel!! Then it's not like lifting weights. Of course it might take a bit longer when you use one of the kid-size sandbox shovels, lol.

On a serious note, I think getting some light exercise is a positive thing, unless told not to by your cardio. We're having the hottest April since like forever here, I'd love some snow to shovel! :)
this is the problem with this condtion.Sorry for this language but this valve / aorta / condition F@cks with our heads. There said it. do what you feel safe, get short of breath stop. Don't overcomplicate things. Simple. If your on 6 month checks your not going anywhere soon or you'd be getting sliced open correct? Well lets all just chill out and if anyone needs confirmation about this head over to surgery anniverseries and majority once fixed are sweet and doing this stuff like nobodies business.
I told my cardio I heard of a 26yr old that dropped dead playing basketball and wondered if he had bicustid valve and the he said to me " what, who would know he could of been on amphetamines or anything never overthink it too much " and that sums the previous exchanges up to a tee. You are never going to know unless you've walked a day in their shoes. God bless to all and may the mind games not turn us crazy before our time.........
Dear all,

I'm sorry about my comments previously, it's just my anxiety talking! Not to put a blame on something, but it's just me wishing that this is not an issue. I understand each and everyones comments and thank you for all this. I am still learning a lot.