Sunshine susan
Well-known member
Hi, everyone! I have been a member of this site for a number of years since I had my congenital bi-cuspid aortic valve replaced with a St Judes mechanical 15 yrs ago. Counseled many during these post surgery years. Well, I am up again and scheduled for July 15. Long story short, my St Judes actually is broken. Due to calcification, one of the leaflets is stuck in the up position, so leaking like a sieve. Dr been watching also a 5.1 aneurysm on my aortic root and my mitral valve also has a leak. Guess you could say I am having the tri-fecta of valve and lube jobs. My broken mechanical aortic valve will be replaced by a tissue valve, my ascending aorta will be replaced to remove the aneurysm, and a ring will be put on the mitral (unless surgeon sees it will be better to just replace it too). Had TEE and cath last week for closer look at the leaks showing on the annual echo. Figured I was just getting old as fatigue and flagging stamina have been my only symptoms. Was I ever surprised! Having been there before, I at least have an idea of what I am in for, yet nothing is ever the same so at the same time have no clue as to what I am in for! I have a wonderful surgeon and cardiologist team so confident it will go well. And hoping recovery is as easy as last time. I have no other health issues, and am looking forward to getting back to normal. Guess I will be joining the "multiple OHS club". Any encouraging words will be helpful and appreciated! Thanks, Sue.