Pre-op done.....but still no date

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Active member
Oct 28, 2008
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Hi All,

Had my pre-op yesterday which all went fine but they weren't able to give me a firm date. I was told that I would be given 5 days notice and it could be as soon as next week (in which case i'd know by Thursday this week) but it would deffinately be in March. The case Manager said that I could be brought in at short notice as I don't have any meds that need to be stopped beforehand.

All the tests were fine but I was told that I may have to have an angiogram beforehand in which case I would be brought in 3 days prior to the operation - day 2 for Angiogram then day 4 for operation. She was going to check with the surgeon and let me know if I need one.

I asked about having an On-x valve if my valve cannot be repaired and was told that my surgeon uses On-x so that wouldn't be a problem.

So all in all, it went ok albeit a little fustrating about not being given a date. That can't be helped though and I am mentally prepared for it now, whenever it may be.

Hi Andrew,
Well seems that everything is moving forward even if it is a tiny bit slowly. I will keep my fingers crossed that they call you sooner rather than later. Sounds like you are all ready to go. Good Luck:)
At least you've got the preop out of the way. I know it's frustrating not to have a date, but your attitude is good concerning it.
When you find out, let us know and we'll put you on the calendar.:)
Andrew. You seem to have a wonderful attitude! That is fantastic. I'm sure all will go well for you.

It is frustrating not to have the exact date in hand, but even if you did, unless you are in dire straits, some other person's emergency could pre-empt you and push your date farther out! Your choice to accept the inevitable is a good one!!

Please let us know if you have any questions as you wait. We are here 24/7, as they say, and are happy to give you support in any way.

Best wishes.

Thanks guys for your kind words.

I have been waiting for this surgery for so long now I just want to get it over with so I can move on. I was first advised to have my mitral valve repaired last summer and due to changing surgeons and letters going missing, its taken until now to get to this stage. I know that time scale is short in comparison to some folks on here, but for me, it has felt like such a long time.

I've just had the results of the 24hr Holter I had done in early Feb and it appears that the wierd sensations I have been experiencing are actually PACs, which is what I thought they would be. I also asked about the ocular migranes I have been having infrequently and although I have read on here people get these post op, I hadn't noticed anyone getting these pre op. The cardio didn't really give me an explanation but did suggest I try stopping my perindropril for a couple of days to see if the stop. As I only get these on average once a week, I don't see what that will do so i'm going to put up with them until after my surgery and see what happens then.

Hey Andrew,

I know what you mean. I met with my surgeon two weeks ago expecting to walk out with a date, but they hadn't put March on their calendar yet. Finally got the date, 10 March, a week later. These are just the things we have to deal with. Glad your okay mentally and ready. Best of luck.


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