pre-op anxiety

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rat poison manual

Ross - actually, I just found it on another thread and left a thank you note for you there. Bt the way, don't you ever go to sleep ? Chris
Not to seriously disrupt your thinking, but since my last surgery, I've only been able to sleep 2 or 3 hours at a time and then I'm up for 2 or 3. It's driving me nuts! I'm up and down like a yo yo all day and all night. :( I keep telling the Doctor and I keep getting blown off. I don't know what else to do.


Ross - Sorry, didn't know you were having a problem. I've got a little of that too, but hoping its just temporary. Sounds like you need to find a doc who can get your internal clock reset. Or maybe I can lend you my bird dog. She likes to climb up in the lazy boy with me and we take a dandy long nap. She's a pretty good hot water bottle too. Chris

I understand too well the "control freak" syndrome. My staff allways hated my desire to "micromanage" and it was troublesome. Couple that with "perfectionism" and you get a guy that really can relate to what you are going through.

As a pilot, I hate riding in airliners because I don't have a set of controls(no fear of flying, just not being in control).

Bonnie is right about my progress through the phases of my treatment. She, Walter, Scottie, Nancy, Ron, Al and many others here made all the difference. But I was sure that I had been given a death sentence and had to prepare everyone and everything for that outcome. Of course, I was up till 1 a. m. the morning of my surgery(had to be at hospital by 5 a. m. and the special antiseptic bathing instructions I received were going to take at least an hour of my time.) getting those last details taken care of. You know like which color file folders had the most critical papers in them and who to call and who to email along with the correct order for announcing the outcome to all who needed to know. That level of detail does get the head off the details of the surgery that you can not control. Really wanted to call the surgeon to remind him to get a good night sleep and not drink that evening. Also, would have liked to have some of my police friends keep him at home that night, but alas they felt I was being a tad obsessive. Know what I mean, Vern?

Ross was in hospital in ICU during my struggle to face climbing the mountain. Everyone here was really worried about him. He was on the brink for weeks and in ICU something like a month and a half. So it is little wonder that he is struggling with the results of that and not sleeping anything like a person would want to. Course us control freaks would really like to avoid sleep altogether so as to not miss anything or lose control.

Y'all just keep on keeping on. See ya later today, might even try to make it to Bonnie's Chat tonight.

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I have to laugh, Bill. Joe is a retired GE manager. His employees hated him and were probably glad when he retired. When he retired, he was into managing me. But, I'm from the field of the arts, and we all know that they march to a different drummer. So it's a tough row to hoe for ole Joe. I'll say things to him like, "why do you have to get up at 6 AM on the dot? We really don't have a pressing agenda today." and "I'll do that later (meaning not in the near future), it's not on my A list today". I think I've helped him to relax a little and kind of go with the flow. We're a good team.

When he was sick, he was a pushover, but now that he's feeling a little better, Mr. Manager is still there checking up on things. I guess I kinda missed that.

I do have to admit to being a quadruple Type A person and a micromanager when it comes to his health, though. That's a worthy fight. I can be as tough as nails in that arena.

The rest of it, "Hey man, chill".
For the record-50 days in CSICU and 10 in rehab. I went straight from the ICU to rehab too. There was no step down for me. :eek:
Y'all control freaks drive the rest of us nuts. Is the world going to end if we don't do what you think we ought to do? Hasn't yet. My big sister is one, too so my little sister and I talk about her a lot and comiserate together. But, somehow, we all manage to live on the same planet, don't we - because we love one another.:D
50 days has gotta be a record

50 days has gotta be a record

Ross - for the record heck. 50 days in ICU is the record. I'm beginning to understand. If you recorded all the sounds from an ICU and played them back in your bedroom, maybe you could sleep better. Or maybe you miss the vent tube down your throat ? Guess I better quit bellyaching-my problems aint so bad. Chris
Ross's sleep problems

Ross's sleep problems

Cris..Maybe I should go to Ohio and climb up in the recliner with Ross:D Like your Birddog and we could take a long dandy nap:eek: :eek: Hope Lyn's not on-line::eek: :eek: :eek: No, he's afraid he might miss me and Ann chatting about him is why he's up and down and on the computer so much...I had him cured not long ago..but guess we need a few more sessions...Bonnie aka Ross's Therapist
Chris I couldnt have said it any better. I didnt realize that all of my panic was because I am a bit of a control freak myself. This is totally out of our control and thats probably why I was also going bonkers.

I have managed to calm down and now I am 'coasting' through this a bit more, but that sounds just like me ... a control freak with no control over the biggest 'event' in their present life.
BTW, can someone give me an idea of the night before surgery? I have to get an Angio on the 10th of March then surgery is the next day. I know I have to shower with some kind of special disinfectant soap, but is there anything else? I'm assuming nothing to eat or drink past midnight but not sure of the details or how it feels to sit and think about while you're waiting. Maybe they can give me a valium or something :D :D :D
You pretty much have the program. Try to relax and not worry about the surgery.

Doubt they will give valium, but who knows, ask if you want some.

We took every one out for Japanese to celebrate stepgrandson's birthday. I abstained from alcohol but ate normally. Came home and everyone slept while I "did just one or two more details" Went to bed at 1 a. m. and got up to shower at 3 a.m.

Ride to the hospital was calm and resigned. I am a pretty anxious person when these kind of unknown events are hanging fire, but I was surprisingly calm.

In the pre op meeting(a week before the surgery date) I talked to the anesthesiologist and he agreed to medicate me from the get go that morning so I would not have to be anxious about needles, tubes, cathethers, etc. I really have no memory of that morning after checking in and them starting the first IV(those drugs are potent)

Take off all rings and jewelry. My wedding band had not been off in 38 years but they got that off after putting me out. They worry about possible swelling and circulation problems.

Enjoy that shower, the next few will be more difficult and harder to do but you will be thankful for them, also.
Bill's got it down pretty pat - the night before, my son, my brother and me went over to Pensacola and spent the night in a motel across the street from the hospital so we didn't have to drive so far the morning of admission. I had a Xanax that night and slept like a baby. By the eve of your surgery, you have made friends with your predicament and you know you are not going to back out at this point, so you sort of just say - well, here goes and you give up the stress. Does your doctor know of your fears - if not, I think you ought to tell him/her. All his patients go through much stress before surgery and I am sure he can give you some good advice/med to help you. God bless


Don't worry about the surgery itself..just stay busy getting your ducks in arow..You have small children,,,,try to explain in simple terms why Mommy will be in hospital...and when Mommy comes home they cannot jump on you. Are you set up for the place you will be napping, sleeping? Have you bought your body pillow, pill organizer..lots of favorite juices..Lay out some lounging clothes..blouses that button down front a must..The day of surgery..things will move so quickly..they will give you a feel good shot and the rest is unknown until you awake in your private room.:D Bonnie
Well, I have figured out where I will sleep at night but I think I want to pick up a second recliner for the living room for napping. I have a few body pillows but no button down shirts... I put them on my list though :) I even thought about getting a laptop to bring to the hospital so I wont be bored or anything, but not sure on that one yet.

My 3 year old knows the doctors are going to 'fix Mommies heart' but thats about it. I'll explain it to her more closer to surgery.

I think I am about set actually. I am feeling better about this as time goes by but still feel a slight 'falling' feeling every now and then when I think about it. But I will get through this :)
The tube

The tube

I am a month out from MV surgery. I dont even remember the tube. My only complaint was a husky voice for the first week. My wife said I sounded sexy which made me feel better. I am on coumadin and not having any problem what so ever. Even the pro time tests are only a little finger prick. I know how frightening it can be waiting. We all had to wait and we all tell you that you will climb the mountain just like we did and you will come down. Just like we did. Remember we are all out here for you.
Andrea I wish I'd had a computer to take, but to be honest, I wouldn't take one to the hospital. Theft is a big thing in them. Your better off not taking one. We will miss hearing from you, but we can deal with that until you get home. Just my 2 cents.
Doubt you want to take a laptop - you won't feel much like using it. Too sore - even when you get home, you may not be ready for awhile - Besides, they keep you pretty busy - so much going on you won't be able to concentrate. Hospitals are busy and you can't concentrate, anyhow.


I couldn't talk on phone for 2 weeks...:D Got back on-line around 3 weeks..Got to get that head cleared first..:p Bonnie