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Oh My God Ross.....How horrible.....

Oh My God Ross.....How horrible.....

Ross said:
I do not think he is ready to be home. I certainly wasn't ready. Nothing planned, fixed, food or anything. I got ready to go visit and the next thing I know, he's calling me and telling me they were cutting him loose. He is still having problems with his memory and is extremely agitated. Very hard to deal with right now and yes, I'm stuck alone with him. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, but if you ask me, they got tired of his his constant bitching about everything and everyone and simply released him. No psych consult, no eye testing, nothing. Just sent home and see him in the office in a week. I'm so stressed out now and then with little rest, more is now added. I don't mean to complain, but I think this is totally wrong.

Unfortunately, this is sounding more and more like the medical field here in NH where they don't seem to WANT to do things right...and as one of the other members also mentioned? Why in the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks don't they give the poor dude a wheelchair and/or crutches instead of a WALKER?!!?:confused: :mad: :confused: :eek:

I agree with you 1 million percent, that there is no way he should have been released this soon. This is just aweful....Please know that I am constantly worrying about you all and praying that everything gets better and that you all get the peace, justice and other entitlements from this horrible, horrible tragedy. Hugs to all of you, Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
Can you call the social worker and explain that you can not take care of him and ask about home care help? eplain that you have health problems of your own and are on O2 and can't handle an adult w/ 2 broken ankles. Ross, I was wonderring if Chris owns a car and if you could contact his insurance company and find out who should be coverring all his bills since the driver didn't have insurance.
this is NOT right at all lyn
Ross said:
Savannah got out of ICU! She's doing well. Her moms calling hours are tonight and funeral tomorrow.
Will Savannah be able to attend the funeral? My father's parents were killed in a car accident when he was 17 and he and his sister were still in the hospital during the funeral. I really do think that it effected my father to not be there. Of course, loosing two parents at once, breaking a leg, and loosing a spleen, not to mention having his younger sister in the hospital as well could have had something to do with it. I hope that Savannah (and Chris as well) can get into some therapy. This is a very difficult thing to go through...

I will be praying that you keep your sanity and that Chris gets the care he needs. It's rediculous how fast docs release a patient just because of insurance. :mad:
Ross, I'm glad to hear your son is home. He certainly looks good in that picture you posted. Still keeping you all in my thoughts.


Hi Ross,
Wow, what a ****** mess. Glad to see your son is on his way to a full recovery and your future daughter in law is also doing OK. Very sorry to hear about her mom.

I used to call my dad's doctor when he was not quite right (he had a history of heart problems and depression and sometimes his 'meds' would need tweaking) and leave very nice but clear messages about his situation. Who's the doctor in charge of your son's care? If you're not sure, start calling the names on any Rx bottles he has. Maybe they can prescribe w/o him coming back in until he can get back in. But someone definately needs to be bugged (and bugged, and bugged) until the outpatient issues are taken care of.

I also liked to fax in very straightforward reports of symptoms to make it easy for the doc - actually, to make it harder for them to ignore me.:D

Good luck, keep up the good work.

So Sorry

So Sorry

Dear Brother Ross, I haven't signed on in two weeks, and peek in to find this thread. I thought the s___ was hitting the fan here. My problems are so insignificant! Good to see the pic of Chris. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Brian
Ross, I've been gone all week and just got home tonight. I'm so thankful that Chris and his fiancee are doing so much better. I do hope you're able to get some help with taking care of him at home. You can only do so much. If you get sick then where will you all be? Please try to take care of yourself. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers. LINDA
Nancy said:
Can you appeal his release? Or does his age work against him, since he is of the age of consent?

It sounds like he needs to have a neurological consult as the very least. He has a head injury, right?
Nancy, I fought his release and my pleadings fell on deaf ears. This kid is having flashbacks of laying in the road and screaming in pain that wake him and in return awaken me. It takes forever to get him calmed down. They NEVER sent a shrink in to help or even warn him of the flashbacks and darned if I know how to deal with them, just be there for him when they happen. He is still easily confused and not thinking clearly. I'm sorry people, I'm very angry at this hospital right now.
Harrybaby666 said:
Why in the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks don't they give the poor dude a wheelchair and/or crutches instead of a WALKER?!!?:confused: :mad: :confused: :eek:
Get this Harry, they got him a brand new walker and wanted to charge him $139.00 for it. I told them to shove it and took him mine from when I had my hip replaced.
Gnusgal said:
Will Savannah be able to attend the funeral? My father's parents were killed in a car accident when he was 17 and he and his sister were still in the hospital during the funeral. I really do think that it effected my father to not be there. Of course, loosing two parents at once, breaking a leg, and loosing a spleen, not to mention having his younger sister in the hospital as well could have had something to do with it. I hope that Savannah (and Chris as well) can get into some therapy. This is a very difficult thing to go through...

I will be praying that you keep your sanity and that Chris gets the care he needs. It's rediculous how fast docs release a patient just because of insurance. :mad:
Sorry, Savannah is still in the hospital and DID NOT get to attend her mothers funeral. She has had family there all day and of course, Chris thought he had to be part of it today. He cannot stand going to the bathroom or his bedroom without screaming in pain, but he wants' to go to the hospital? He's having someone pick him up tomorrow and take him up.

Savannahs father has alzheimers and is in a dementia state where he knows, but doesn't understand what is going on.

This kid still has to have a few surgeries yet. His foot is unusable and will not support his weight at all. It will never be the same. The Doctor said he'd be lucky if it can be restored enough to have a bit of movement to operate an accelerator pedal. That is how serious this is. He is no where near recovered. This is only the beginning. :(
Lynlw said:
Can you call the social worker and explain that you can not take care of him and ask about home care help? eplain that you have health problems of your own and are on O2 and can't handle an adult w/ 2 broken ankles. Ross, I was wonderring if Chris owns a car and if you could contact his insurance company and find out who should be coverring all his bills since the driver didn't have insurance.
this is NOT right at all lyn
I'm seriously considering contacting them and seeing about home health care, but they won't come out if he can ambulate outside the house and he is, against everyones better judgements.

I've been on the phone all day with everyone I can possibly contact about where the bills are to be sent too. I've gotten no where. At this minute, I'm waiting for the State Trooper that took the report to call me. He didn't come in until 10 p.m. tonight. I've got to find out a case number, whether or not the drunk was the registered owner of the vehicle and what insurance company, if any at all, he had or the owner had.
UGG I am just so sorry on top of everything they are making this as difficult as possible. I have an idea if he goes out once he will feel so rotten that he won't be out ambulating again. this just isn't right and i'm sorry you have to deal w/ it, especially the flash backs and the emotional stuff . stupid ******* driving drunk, sorry but it reallly p's me off that people get in a car drunk and don't realize all the people it can affect, lyn
This just out right p!@s#2S me off!!!!

This just out right p!@s#2S me off!!!!

Ross said:
Get this Harry, they got him a brand new walker and wanted to charge him $139.00 for it. I told them to shove it and took him mine from when I had my hip replaced.

Don't These idiots at the hospital even think? I mean WHY OH WHY don't they understand the concept of NO MONEY No Dinero, Busted, Broke? Further more, I guess that the concept of them EVEN TRYING to get some medical assistance for Chris is too much like work for them....Don't they have a part of the hospital that assists people with medical expenses? It just goes to show you that the ones who really need the help don't get it....I am also in this bunch....I get treated differently and inadequately by the cardio's because of my having Medicaid and Medicare. This really hurts me to see your son go through all this for something that was not his fault...I hope you will think of my being in the same boat to help you gain strength to get through this and I also pray that you are taking it easy as to not get yourself sick. Harrybaby:mad: :eek: :eek:
All I care about is that he gets the medical attention he needs. I'm not asking for anything else. With no money, you get none of these. I'm giving it a rest till Monday, then I'll talk with Savannahs brother since he supposedly hired and attorney for them and if not, I guess I'll see if my worthless legal aid society does injury accident claims. They have not done one thing to help me in the past. I'm beginning to think they really don't do anything at all.
I don't know whether to be happy for the news of your son being out of the hospital or really mad that he is. I believe is too soon for him to be released. I guess you missed my earlier posting where I mentioned about my brother and how the hospital wanted to release him with an infection in his leg. I told the doctors, and my brother agreed, that he REFUSED to leave the hospital until he was admitted to a rehabilitation center. That was really a shock to the doctors and the social worker got the point and started to work with me and was able to get him admitted to a reha as a charity case. I don't know what to tell you now but to try to work with the doctors and social worker to be admitted to a rehabilitation center. He seems that he may need it. I keep praying for you
I did want to tell you that he does qualify, at least so far as I see, for the HCAP program for low income persons. That only covers the hospital, not the Doctors or Surgeons. Thing is, this may be going to court, so I'm not sure about filing the HCAP paperwork, but right now, don't see a choice.
Ross, what about seeing a regular Lawyer...

Ross, what about seeing a regular Lawyer...

Someone who works on a contingency basis......I hope and pray that Savannah's brother/family will include Chris and You, Lynn and your other boys in this all have suffered immensly and all deserve justice and peace. We have accident lawyers just crawling the airwaves here in Mass/NH/Maine area that work on a "No Fee If You Don't Win" basis. I also know about alot of these worthless "agencies" as I am fighting right now with one, just trying to get some services to help my situation. I hope you can rest like you said over the weekend over this, because god knows YOU NEED A BREAK!!!! Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
I am so sorry for your situation! I had hoped it was a good thing that your son was home but now after reading all your posts I realize I was wrong, that young man needs to still be taken care of and by someone besides you!
I know from my sons accident back at the end of December that it will end up making YOU more sick trying to take care of him! I ended up with pneumonia while mine was still in hospital and then released too soon too with only me to care for him. I never got any better after that as the fluid from the pneumonia stayed in my scar tissue and collapsed my lung which meant surgery for me and then they found my heart problems during my hospital stay!
So PLEASE try to take care of yourself!! I wish I was closer because I would sure like to help physically and not just sympathize with you. As for the flashbacks...all you can do is be there for him or at least that's what I was told to me by my sons Drs.
I will keep you in my prayers and hope that things improve for you and your family so very soon!
Hugs to you and yours!
Ross, i've been doing some searches on uninsured drivers laws in ohio and from what i can tell the first thing you should do is find out if savannahs mom (or Savanna, who's car was it?)had uninsured motorist coverage on her car.
Uninsured motorist coverage is coverage you purchase from your own insurance company, which pays for bodily injury losses to you and your passengers as a result of an accident with a driver who is legally responsible for the injuries, but has no liability coverage.
(oh I found this at a lwayers site, i'm not recomending them or anything that just where i found the info

maybe they had it then that should take care of Chri, I'll keep searching tho incase they didn't have it, lyn


The motor vehicle accident situation appears to be the same convoluted mess in the US as the health insurance situation. I would have thought the hospital would have been concerned about releasing your son if he wasn't ready because they could be legally liable for something that may have occurred. In my state in Australia we have no fault insurance that is attached to the vehicles registration so that all medical costs and income loss is covered if the other driver is insured or not or even if they do not have a current licence. It was introduced over 20 years ago because insurance premiums were exploding and the only winners were the lawyers fighting over who was going to pay. :)

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