Well it was one of those down days yesterday. Seems were having troubles getting that last 5 or 10% of his head working correctly. I suppose it will in time. I think they gave him some Morphine again. The Ortho was in to take the bandages off the crushed ankle and check it for infection and was anything but gentle in the process. We know how Doctors are, don't we?

In addition to the Doctor firing up the nerves, therapy came in and made him do some excercising of that leg, so he was hurting pretty good.
He wasn't following what I was saying last night, so I gave up on trying for anything meaningful and just enjoyed a little time with him.
Savannah got out of ICU! Get this, she is right across the hall from him.

Can babies still happen with two injured persons 20 ft away from each other?

She's doing well. Her moms calling hours are tonight and funeral tomorrow.
The rumor mill fired up again last night too. Now the word is that the offender is not dead, but in coma at Aultman Hospital. It also appears that he had just been released from Jail. I don't know what to believe anymore, but being that I haven't seen an obit for him, believe this may now be the truth.
Just wish someone would get it right and we had more answers then we do. Some of them, we are never going to have.