From another RBBBer
From another RBBBer
Hi Gina,
I hope by now you have some more information on the right bundle branch block, and specifically how it may affect your daughter. I have the RBBB in addition to Ebstein's anomaly (corrected July 01) and a bicuspid aortic valve.
The RBBB affects the heart rhythm, as you already know. In my case, it only affects me when I'm really, really tired. When I was a child, I was a very active little girl. I loved to ride my bike, was in the Girl Scouts (camped, hiked, did it all). My heart would beat really hard and somewhat fast, and sometimes skip beats, when I got hot and tired, usually at the end of the day. I don't think the RBBB affects your stamina. It's hard to say since I had the other things going on, too. Mostly, I never knew the difference, tho.
Looking back, I think I was active in spurts, then would stop to catch my breath. We didn't have any girls sports back then, so I never tried track or tennis or the like. I rode my bike for hours, but then you can coast some on that.
My guess is that if you haven't already noticed your daughter having problems, she's not going to have a lot of trouble with this for a long time. You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.
Joyce in Mississippi