Prayers for our longtime member, Mindy..!!

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ShezaGirlie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2001
Texas Hill Country
Mindy is a longtime member who really has a full plate these days and so I know she would appreciate all the love and prayers this forum can possibly generate.

Long story short is that her health has been deteriorating this year and lots and lots of doctors
and labs have been trying to figure out her puzzling health decline. She is now being sent to the Texas Heart Institute to be assessed for the possibility of a heart transplant since she has a new diagnosis which is a type of cardiomyopathy supposedly caused to too many heart surgeries..

Hopefully Mindy will be on here shortly, but for now let's roll out those prayers for our Mindy..:thumbup:
Janiegirl!!! I made it on. It has be a long long time, and I'm not sure how many of the old crew join in these days. I just checked out "in loving memory" and saw more than I would have liked. Granbonnie and Gina inparticular. The days are long and hot here on the coast. Are you getting any cool breezes your way?
Hi Mindy-

I hope you get the very best group of doctors to get all the problems sorted out and a good plan developed for you.
Hello Mindy,

So sorry to hear that your situation has now escalated to a possible heart transplant. That said, you couldn't be going to a finer institution....take that from someone who's been there several times before.

My prayers & thoughts are with you. Please try to keep us abreast of what is happening if you can.

Mindy, wish you the best. If you do have a transplant, here is something for you. My sister had a transplant 23 years ago, and she is strong as an ox. She is 9 years older than me, and has a much better heart. She has none of the worries most of us deal with. I know this is the surgery of last resort, but it could make you a new person. prayers will be with you.
Good Luck, Mindy!

A few years back our law firm had a client who was on his second transplanted heart! He was doing GREAT!
Mindy, I'll add my prayers to the others. Hang in there. You've been through so much already that a new heart might be just the thing you need. No one likes to think that they have reached that point but if that is the case, then getting a transplant presents a wonderful ray of hope.
Update on Mindy..
Mindy has an appointment at the Texas Heart Institute on September 14th and I know she would appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts that we can muster for her as she begins this round of testing. Thanks everyone..!

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