Here in wonderful Long Island, we just got our power back......Tyce said it came back about 2, but, of course, I couldn't have cared less at that point and was in na na land, sleepin peepin!!! All I can say is "Thank Goodness we didn't need the AC last night." It cooled off nicely, so we were zonked.
Got up this morning and had to get on here, just to see who else was affected. Our LIRR trains are not running, and they say Long Island has about 75% power.....guess we're one of the lucky ones. I do have to admit, NEW YAWKERS are resilient!!! This is about the third blackout we've had here. As long as it wasn't terrorist, we can get through anything!!! I just feel so badly for those who were stranded in NYC. We went to our neighbors for dinner, equipped with salad, wine and lanterns, just like nothing was amiss.........