Chris ((hugs))
Chris ((hugs))
Chris, Your post is painful to read. Partially because of the pain you are feeling……….and partially because it hits so close to home. I have been struggling with what you are feeling for the last year and a half. I am a chronic insomniac and a worry wort and a definite type A personality, to boot. I think part of our problem is middle age crazy gone awry. I am burned out on the things I have been doing for twenty + years. Since I was 20 years old, I have been going 90 to nothing……… degree, teaching full-time, National Guard, OCS, commanding a company of 279 troops, grad school, three marriages, single parenting for a while, buried my brother and sister, have two children, a healthy son………..and then Katie came along……….and my whole life evolved around Katie………researching her condition, seeking out opinions, going through five surgeries…………now that she is pretty stable, I can’t seem to evade that feeling of waiting for the next shoe to hit the floor there, (as we know there will have to be more intervention at some point; we just hope and pray that it is a long, long time off), and then at the same time, it’s like I’ve lost my mission in life as that was my entire life for five years…………….and then my husband was deployed in there for a year when Katie was two to three years old - went on a two week vacation to the beach when he got home and a hurricane hit., category 1, but still!! a hurricane nevertheless...........some homecoming and vacation...................sigh!......and then we made the awful mistake of buying a fixer upper over a year ago………….that has turned into a nightmare……………our contractor took 57K and abandoned us halfway through the job……………won’t even respond to the BBB, so they closed our file, so the house is still not finished…………and we have now poured more into it than we will ever see out of it………...........tornado sirens going off during the closing should have been a sign.........I mean signing paperwork in a stairwell should have been an obvious omen, but did I listen? Nooooooooooooooo! Not me!……….sigh! and to top it off, it’s in a city that I have grown to hate but have to stay here because my parents are in poor health, and I am the sole surviving child now…………I have to go over ot their house (which is also in a desperate state of disrepair....ugh!) at least three to four times per week to fill pill boxes, call in prescription renewals, help mom pay her bills and weed out the junk mail, clean out their fridge, etc., and then you want to talk about clutter? Try working full-time and then on top of that giving up weekends and part of your summer for the military for 20+ years…(even though I really do miss it)……..this house that we are currently in is in such a state of disrepair and so cluttered that the board of health would condemn it if they were to drop by……………………ugh! I’m fried. I’m burnt. I’m tired of working. I’m tired of living. And I don’t have your health issues to deal with. I’ve tried wellbutrin and Zoloft and neither one worked. Didn’t do diddly squat. I’m now trying Sam-E but haven’t’ been taking it long enough to know if it works. I do know I need help, and my family needs me, but that doesn’t seem to matter. I, too, have often thought of driving my car into a brick wall at 90 mph, but I figured with my bad luck, I would probably survive and just be a quadriplegic………….sigh!
Personally, I think you are just fried, too, and your health issues have just exacerbated the situation. Please seek help, Chris. (I know I’m one to talk. I do plan on seeing a shrink or a counselor as soon as I can find time to find one and then see one. Try finding one that charges on an escalated basis. Some are no charge, depending on your income. But seek one out now, as there is usually a waiting list for those.) You know your family really needs you. Don’t you dare think that your family will just get over it after a while. You know that is not true. After losing my brother and sister, I can tell you that it doesn’t work like that. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of them and miss them and wish they were here. To be honest, I also sometimes cuss them out for not being here to help out with my parents. I shouldn’t have to do this alone……………..and it has been 18 and 19 years now that they have been gone. You are worth more than you know to your family. Don’t think for a minute that they won’t miss you.
Even without your health issues, you might just be reaching that age that you are fried and need a change. Change your occupation. Have you considered teaching? Even if your health won’t allow you to teach full-time, you could most likely teach part-time as there is not a state in this nation that is not crying for science teachers. And health insurance would most likely not be an issue as most school districts are open enrollment and as long as you have not had a lapse in insurance, they should not be able to deny you. (Please verify this first, though.) Shoot! With a PhD, you could even teach part-time at a junior college or university. They don’t pay as well, but I know that all the junior colleges in our area are constantly recruiting part-time teachers. Watch out, though, as part-time, they don’t have to provide benefits, I believe. I know I just bitched about being burned out, but I really do love my students. I teach at an at-risk school, and some of those kids have such hardships that it makes ours look miniscule in comparison. One of mine I am trying to get hold of………..yes, during the summer, because I just found out he lost his job, and he is the sole provider for his family, mom and little brother. Mom has a brain tumor and is unable to work, and he is on probation, and I’m afraid he will do something stupid…………..sigh! It’s kids like this that make me wonder what I’m complaining about…………….
Chris, I have rambled on for an hour now, and it has been very therapeutic………..haha!

Please get help! Know that you are not alone. There are people who care…………… for one (actually many, but you know what I mean). Seek out a new career for a change of scenery. And forget the opal…………geez! Give yourself a break. I know because I have been asking why can’t anything in my life go right……………just for once……………..and then I try and remind myself that I have a perfectly healthy son, and I have Katie, who is doing really well right now, and a lot of heart moms can’t say that………….and my parents are still here, even if they don’t know that much of the time…………but daddy does say at least twice a week, “I don’t know what we would do without you………” So, I’m here, and am planning on staying here, even if a huge part of me would like to just take a permanent snooze.
Please get help. Hang in there, and I will, too. I’m kind of embarrassed at spilling my guts here,

but just wanted you to know you really are not alone. Great big bear hugs. Janet