Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction

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You mean you guys used to function without writing everything down?
not exactly
  • if its not on the shopping list it may not come home
  • I don't write down every single detail about project work (which in database systems can be rather tedious, and I believe my code is self documenting (joke)
  • many more things were written down when I used a Palm Pilot (phones are such crap at that)
  • I make use of calendar (Google); email a week before, alert the day before for appointments
however not everything about fog is memory and puzzles IMO aren't what you need to work with to build back cognitive function (in my needs assessment of cognitive function).
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They always say memory will get better, I don't believe them anymore. I went through treatment for Hepatitis C with Ribavirin and Pegylated Interferon. One of the side effects of the Ribavirin is memory loss. I felt it hard. I have never gotten more late fees for video rentals than during that period (shortly after Netflix mail rental started, and then streaming, so haven't tested if I would get them now). I would put the DVD on the seat next to me in the car when I went out, when I got home it would still be sitting there. Ugh. My memory is definitely not what it was pre-treatment. At least the rage side effect went away....
My problem was in returning to work and forgetting how to do certain things. Had to make a ton of notes the relearn everything. I felt bad, but it did get better after a year.
You mean you guys used to function without writing everything down? 🙂
Me, yes! Before my surgery at 57, I never needed to write reminder notes or shopping lists! I kept track of all my, my husband’s, and my sister’s doctors’ and dentists’ appointments in my head. When I ran errands, I would handle several different tasks at once, all from memory.
You mean you guys used to function without writing everything down? 🙂

My memory has always been ****. Maybe that’s why I’ve noticed zero mental changes since OHS lol. Hasn’t held me back any in life. I have systems out the wazoo to get through every day. Hit me up if you first timers need any troubleshooting .
Hubby was the same. Really bad memory. But the searching for the right word thing is definitely new.
not exactly
  • if its not on the shopping list it may not come home
  • I don't write down every single detail about project work (which in database systems can be rather tedious, and I believe my code is self documenting (joke)
  • many more things were written down when I used a Palm Pilot (phones are such crap at that)
  • I make use of calendar (Google); email a week before, alert the day before for appointments
however not everything about fog is memory and puzzles IMO aren't what you need to work with to build back cognitive function (in my needs assessment of cognitive function).
My calendar alerts are set to day before, hour before and 10 minutes before. LOL
Me, yes! Before my surgery at 57, I never needed to write reminder notes or shopping lists! I kept track of all my, my husband’s, and my sister’s doctors’ and dentists’ appointments in my head. When I ran errands, I would handle several different tasks at once, all from memory.
Holy crap I literally can’t imagine that. Before cell phones I wore a wristwatch on each hand each of which had 3 alarms just to remember to pick up my kids or whatever. And paper planner and lists always at my side.
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