post op

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Ontario, Canada
This is Larrys wife, he is doing well out of ICU the second day now just having troubles getting his heart rate to normal his heart rate was ranging from 130 to 160 today his surgery was on tuesday they have postponed phsio until tomorrow in hope that his heart rate will be lower. I hope I have posted this in the right place as I now he had said a few poeple were wanting updates on how the surgery was going. I would like to thank everyone on this site you have all been a big help for my husband when he is able to he will be on here himself will give updates as ofte as I can thank again Tammy
Good news that he is 'safely over the mountain'.
Thanks for posting for us to know he's okay.
Please give him our best wishes and remember to take care of yourself throughout.
thanks for the update. like other mentioned, lots of us had high post op heart rate, and some ha high BP initially too.
Thanks for the update - we're glad to hear that another of us has made it to The Other Side of the Mountain.

As others have noted, sometimes out heart rates do silly things in the first days following surgery. Mine did some nasty things (stopped on its own, stuff like that), so I ended up with a pacemaker. It seems that most of the patients having elevated heart rates either had it treated with meds or it just resolved itself. Keep an eye on him, but give the docs a chance to adjust meds for a bit. It should be under control shortly.
Great news, thanks for the update!

I was the same too with the high heart rate after surgery, it seems very common. In the hospital there were times when my heart seemed to be shaking my entire chest, I was told this was also normal.

I'll be thinking of you both,

Good news indeed. I had an elevated heart rate after surgery as well and it was eventually controlled with meds. As my surgeon's PA put it 'as far as your heart is concerned, it was just assaulted in a big way and is not happy, but it will get over it' Best wishes going forward.
Great news Tammy. Thank you for the update. I had been wondering how he was doing. Please give him a hug (use heart pillow) and tell him that truly all he needs to do right now is eat, sleep, walk. As for the fast heart rate, my was the same for a while even after going home. But medication seemed to calm my bumpy grumpy heart and after a while everything smoothed out.
Make sure you also take some time to rest, this is a shock to your system also. Hugs coming your way
Good to hear that things went well. Your whole body is in shock after getting hit by the truck also known as open heart surgery! Things will settle down in time, either on their own or with the help of meds. The folks in the ICU and the cardiac recovery ward have seen it all, and things that can seem scary to the patients (or more likely their family, since the patient is still partially in lala land) are everyday for the staff.
Hey guys, Finally a bit of energy to type lol. Thank you so much for the input and kind words and advice for myself and my wife. Things are up and down, nurses even say I am on the roller coaster as opposed to the smooth ride, lol. Heart rate is better after cardio vert? I am still getting some skipped beats but am assured it is not dangerous. Very tired most of the time, incision not too bad, must have moved wrong last night though as it is jabbing me today. My biggest worry is the hot flashes. I am waking up soaked during the night, and during the day I go from cool to sweaty and clamy all the time. Nurses see no signs os infection but it worries me. Now just trying to get INR sorted out and then I can go home, but may be another couple days, just want out now lol. Take care guys and wife or I will update soon, take care all
Hey guys, Finally a bit of energy to type lol. Thank you so much for the input and kind words and advice for myself and my wife. Things are up and down, nurses even say I am on the roller coaster as opposed to the smooth ride, lol. Heart rate is better after cardio vert? I am still getting some skipped beats but am assured it is not dangerous. Very tired most of the time, incision not too bad, must have moved wrong last night though as it is jabbing me today. My biggest worry is the hot flashes. I am waking up soaked during the night, and during the day I go from cool to sweaty and clamy all the time. Nurses see no signs os infection but it worries me. Now just trying to get INR sorted out and then I can go home, but may be another couple days, just want out now lol. Take care guys and wife or I will update soon, take care all
Larry, the first week or two is generally crappy and will improve after that.
The night sweats seem to be a reaction of our body wanting to rid itself of the "bad" drugs, so I switched to regular Tylenol as soon
as I could on about day 5 and had no more sweats. A very low grade fever hung around, but that is just me.
Hang in there, you are through the worst of it :)
Congrats. High heart rate immediately after surgery is really the norm as many have said. Just had my 1 year anniversary and in retrospect, I actually miss my hospital stay; being pampered 24x7, on leave from work, people fawning over me. If only I knew that things would eventually get back to normal I wouldn't have worried so much, sat back and enjoyed my recovery. Hind sight as they say is 20/20.
Larry: You're about on par with me. I had fever, moderate renal shutdown, severe anemia (requiring transfusion), total insomnia but NO pain during my 7 days inpatient. But after that things were essentially clear sailing. I was weak as can be for a month or so, but then relatively quickly got into shape - plan for cardiac rehab later!