I’m 70 years old, 8 weeks post AVR with an Edwards Inspiris Resilia and am currently in cardiac rehab. I’m blessed with a cardiologist and rehab nurses who understand my desire to get back to my avid cycling hobby and have geared a moderately progressive rehab approach toward that end. Because I had minor post op aFib, I left the hospital with metoprolol. Elliquis, and an amiodarone taper. After my 5 week follow up, they took me off everything but metoprolol. My cardiologist ordered a seven day Body Guardian Mini Plus event monitor which I’m now wearing to determine if my aFib has resolved so that I can come off of the metoprolol in order to allow my heart rate to respond normally to my rehab efforts. My questions are: 1) what are others experiences with post op aFib and how long it lasted; 2) any experiences with event monitors and the types of abnormalities they track; 3) the experience people have had with endurance activities like running and cycling if they needed long-term metoprolol use. The monitor company called me this morning and said they noticed an anomaly at 11 pm last night and wanted to know if I had any symptoms (I didn’t) before they forward the info to my cardiologist. Not yet knowing what it was is concerning but I’ll wait to hear from the doctor. In my monitored rehab over the last three weeks they’ve noticed no aFib or abnormalities while my heart is under load. Anyway, would love to hear anyone’s thoughts…..