post op 2.5 weeks (cold feet and pounding heart)

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I recently had my aeortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve (im not sure what type it is,either st. jude or carbo ), aeortic root and aeortic arch repaired at university of penn hospital in philadelphia pa. Everything going ok just the normal aches and pains after surgery. I was lucky, my dr. heard a murmur on a routine visit and after some tests i found i was born with a bicuspic valve and it was begining to cause problems. I feel alot better now, it must have been slowly getting worse over the years that i really didnt notice how bad things were. I have noticed that since i had the operation my feet seem to be cold all of the time. Does anyone else out there have this problem??? Also when i take a deep breath my heart seems to really start pounding really hard. I appreciate any comments, This site is great, it really helped me get a lot of info before the surgery. thanks.............
Are you taking a beta blocker such as Lopressor?- that tends to make the extremities cold, but that is a normal reaction. As far as the pounding heart is concerned, that also seems normal-Dick particularly heard his when lying down at night. Of course, when in doubt, it is always best to give the doctors a call- that's what we pay them for!:)

You are still in the very new recovery stage. Your heart has had a workout and it takes a while to settle down. I'm thinking that the pounding after a deep breath is a reaction to "disturbance" after being man-handled (surgery). Many people speak of their heart pounding hard in the initial recovery stage. Make sure that you are doing your walking, but don't overdo any physical activity at this point.

I'll let others weigh in on the cold feet.

Best wishes.
I am 7 weeks post-op, and I still have this pounding heart. It creates anxiety,but the doctors (surgeon and cardiologist) and the rehab cardiac nurse assured me that everything is o.k. It seems to be part of the process.
Did they repair your aorta with a graft?

Sounds are louder with grafts than with your natural aorta. When you take a dep breath and hold it the sound of your heart bounces off the sternum. Although your heart may be pounding a bit as it recovers from surgery, i bet at least some if not all is due to the graft.

it may seem like it is pounding but its actually just the graft making it seem much louder.
Cold feet and cold everything - very common. I just couldn't stay warm.

Wear warm socks and warm slippers. Wear socks in bed. If your feet are still cold, put a heating pad in bed before you get in down where your feet are. You just have to wear more layers until you heal.

Hope you're feeling well.
I had pounding heart for several months after surgery. It finally did go away. Don't know exactily what caused it but my doctors didn't seem to concerned about it.
Cold Feed & Pounding Heart

Cold Feed & Pounding Heart

I had the same thing for almost two months.
I had surgery 7+ weeks ago.
Taking deep breaths and holding it always made my chest pound.
When I bent over to tie my shoes, I could feel my heart pounding.

With a mechanical valve you have to be on Coumidin.. anti clotting medication. I take 2.5 mg a day.

Some folks are more cold sensitive on Coumidin.
... I haven't noticed any change.. however...I have funny story.

Prior to surgery, I always had the hot water in the shower about 1/2 on.
I noticed after surgery, that the hot water is almost 100% open.
I blamed Coumidin for changing my temperature sensitivity... HA...

When I questioned my wife... she said... Hey.. I noticed the same thing too.
The water heater set point changed and lowered the temperature of hot water.

Anyhow... good luck on the recovery path.
Take time to heal!

I have a St. Jude 31 mm valve
Just ordered Sister..a foot warmer/massager made by Dr. Shroll(sp) from QVC this morning. $15.00 plus s/h..You can have either or both on.. Looked so comfortable.Has a gauge for temp, ect. Check it out..You can put both feet in it....Bonnie
post op

post op


My heart rate was high and it took a few changes in the lopressor to get it right. I was taking 50 mg a day and it did not change anyting so it was ajusted to 100 mg twice a day. It took several weeks actually 3 weeks to get my heart rate to 74 to 80 beats per min. My feet did seem really sensitive but not cold, just tingly. My feet were not cold becuase I was discharged on July 4th and it was very warm in Massachusetts then.

I would recommend you asking your cardiologist if you are concerned, they can be reassuring.

Take Care,
I have never heard what Phyllis said about beta blockers. Splains my question about cold feet! I wear socks or fuzzy slippers to bed many nights, esp in winter. thanks, Phyllis
Sorry 'bout being so late to reply but this is the first day I've been able to reach the keyboard after Thanksgiving.:D :D :D Talk about "stuffed".:D :D :D

I had the "pounding heart" after my surgery. My Cardio explained that my heart had to work harder before my surgery to get my blood through my system. After surgery it would take some time for it to "learn" that all that effort was no longer necessary. Everything settled down after a while.

May God Bless,

Phyllis said:
Are you taking a beta blocker such as Lopressor?- that tends to make the extremities cold, but that is a normal reaction. As far as the pounding heart is concerned, that also seems normal-Dick particularly heard his when lying down at night. Of course, when in doubt, it is always best to give the doctors a call- that's what we pay them for!:)


I am the same as Dick. I am 6 months post op the cold limbs are better but the heart pounding is still an issue, mostly when I lie down at night. I have a moooer.

Did his pounding ever stop?
Pounding Heart

Pounding Heart

The "pounding" does quiet down eventually, though even after 21 years there are times it is much more noticeable. For me I hear + feel mine much more lying down. My heart pounds during and after exercise, or when I go to bed after being too inactive/sick. As I recall it did seem a little like a bass drum for quite awhile after surgery. All the best, Brian