Porcine talk vs. Canine loss

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I am so sorry for your loss, Susan. Dogs aren't just pets, they are family, and I know yours held a special place in your heart.
My current dog I am especially close to and she is now 10 years old. My wishes are that, if she passes before I do, I will have her cremated and her remains will be buried with me when I pass on.

I had Daisey cremated, her ashes with an 8 x 10 of her last picture, her favorite ball, and a plaster paw print that the emergency vet clinic made for me, are on the bookshelves in our living room. A little memorial sort of. I had a gold plate made for the front of the little wooden box with her name, birthdate, and death. I was going to spread her ashes but could not part with them. I still have her collar and tags.
I too need to step back into the light for this. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Dogs, like children, show unconditional love. Your loss is huge. You have all my sympathy.

I'm so very sorry you've lost your beloved Daisy. Animals become members of our family and it's sometimes just as hard to lose a pet as it is a human member of the family.

My husband lost 2 of his cats several weeks ago. One was nearly 13 and had had GI problems for quite a long time; the other was only 5 but developed a massive infection. The 5YO one slept on John's chest every night, and losing Blackie has really hit John hard.
All of your thoughtful and sympathetic and kind comments and replies have been very comforting.

Thank you all very much. I'm crying less today, but can't think or speak about her without tearing up.

Our tender-hearted old Clover is off her food and she keeps barking and calling for Daisy, like she used to when Daisy was in another part of our property, only it sounds frantic. She's so forlorn and is drooling excessively; she must be very stressed. Poor sad old thing. I hate to get another new puppy this time of year because parvo usually becomes dangerously active in our area in the fall. Daisy didn't get it but Clover nearly died from it as a new puppy.

Even our cats are worried and upset. One of them seems particularly concerned and keeps looking for Daisy everywhere.

We think Daisy followed the neighbor's gardener to the busy road. He's an ancient live-in gardener who has taken care of an adjoining property for decades. He apparently saw it happen but he speaks no English so, while he's very animated in his description, we can't follow his words so much as his horrific gestures. He's in his late-80's and was very fond of Daisy also.

For those of you who seldom post, or who have never posted before, the kind thought behind your effort particularly touched me.

And for those of you--I think all of you--who have lost a beloved pet or have a very ill pet now, you have my whole-hearted empathy.

Thank you all again ever so much.

While I feel like a real baby sobbing about this, Daisy really was a special dog, a good and loyal friend.
I'm so sorry Susan. We share your sorrow and want to say we totally understand how it feels. Cyber hugs come from Wise & Cindy.
Breaks my heart

Breaks my heart

I'm so sorry Susan. Pets are family. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Your post makes me feel like crying! I have 2 dogs and a cat who are family members. The thought of finding them the way you did your friend Daisy is upsetting. I can't say anything to make you feel better but I hope time will help.
Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can really relate having lost several dogs over the years. I still remember the happiness they each brought me. My mother's dog has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I find I get choked up talking about him, he's come to mean so much to all of us. All the best, Brian Mc
Compared to OHS, and in the scheme of life in general, this really is small talk.

But my husband just found our dog out on the road dead. Hit by a vehicle.

I am so incredibly sad. He brought her home to me as a puppy about a month before my valve replacement. She was the most cheerful and friendly dog, so sweet, and such a pretty dog. She was a really good watchdog too.

Her name was Daisy.

Our old dog, Clover, is already bewildered and lost without her friend. I'm just bawling my eyes out.

Susan .... sorry for your loss ... our pets are family and it hurts to lose them.
Susan, I am sorry for your loss, and sorry I am so late to this thread. I think animals' particular dependence on us and vulnerability makes us so much vulnerable to their loss.
All of your kind and empathetic words have been very comforting and soothing. Thank you everyone.

I had planned on having my husband take a picture of me with both our dogs last spring for a new avatar but never got around to it. I'm sorry now.
Oh, Susan. I''m so sorry. You must be devastated. I hope today is easier for you. I have been busy with family and new computers and had completely missed your sad news.

There are so many animal lovers amongst us and I hope that our collective sympathy is helping.

I can't imagine the suddenness of it all. Were I to lose my little Cairn Terrier suddenly like that I know it would be a heart-wrenchingly long time before I was feeling normal again.

Best wishes.

Susan, this post left me in tears. I'm so sorry for the loss of your furry friend. I am such an animal lover of any kind. My husband says I care more for my animals than I do people and I think he is right. They love me un-conditionally! I have a Bichon that is 13 and she is going blind and deaf. I love her dearly and will miss her so much when she goes. I have lost many, many of my animals friends over the years and it's seems as I get older, it gets harder to lose one of them. I told my husband when this little one dies I don't think I want another small dog in the house. He said "RIGHT!" I guess I've said that before. I have a large eight year old Blue Heeler that is supposed to be an outside dog but she stays in the house when we are home and then I have and eight year old rather large cat, also in the house. Hugs coming your way.

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