Popping in chest

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I am now 4 weeks post-op and doing fine. I still get exhausted when I overdo it (like going shopping for 6 hours with my family, which I knew was a mistake).

I have gotten so tired of always sleeping on my back that sometimes I have opted to sleep on the living room couch which provides the back support for sleeping on my side. I have slept really well like this a number of times and it has given me much needed variety in sleeping positions. However, the last several days, I have developed a kind of popping feeling (not the sound kind) in my chest, like the two parts of my breast plate are shifting over each other. There is no pain associated with this sensation but it is disconcerting because I'm worried that sleeping on my side has somehow or another permanently created a gap between the two parts of the breast plate. I seem to remember:( pardon my pumphead:( that someone else had mentioned something about a similar popping sensation in a previous post.

Anybody else had experience with this and is this something to be worried about? Thanks.
After my last surgery, I experienced something similar to this. It was more of a sensation of the two 'plates' of bone moving against one another than a clicking or popping sound.

When I had these symptoms, I think it was within the first few weeks. I didn't have any pain, it was just that weird grindy kind of feeling. It didn't feel alien enough for me to call the doctor, but if it makes you uncomfortable or it hurts, maybe you should get it looked at?

On a sidenote: six hours of shopping is hard enough when you're healthy
;) , never mind when your recovering from major surgery.
The popping is ok my friend

The popping is ok my friend

Hey Steve,

The popping is kind of cool I think. Not too many people get to have their sternum halves grinding together without pain. It may feel a bit strange, but it is entirely normal and should subside after a few months and ideally be completely gone after 8 months. I am 2 years post op and I swear that I still feel popping when I sneeze. Oh well, doesn't bother me really..
Pooping Feeling

Pooping Feeling

The popping feeling is perfectly normal. When I LEFT THE HOSPITAL I recieved a packet of information. in part it said to expect these feelings and that it was normal and would probably last from 6 to 8 weeks. As long as there is no pain your fine. Just use it as a reminder to not over do it especially when it comes to lifting things, reaching above your head, and bending over at the waist.


Thanks guys, for the reassurance. It's just like Kevin says, a sensation of the breastplate parts shifting, but no pain or sound associated with it. Nice to know I'm not alone and that it is not serious. I will take it easier, though.

By the way, Mike, it's popping, not pooping, in the chest!:D Blame it on the old pumphead.:D :D :D
Hi Steve,

Have to say that I agree with all the other responses. It is normal, as long as you haven't been pushing ot too hard and feel as though something is really wrong.

I remember how much I hated sleeping on my back. I was always sleeping on my stomach. I tried to sleep on my side, an it sure felt better than on my back. IT wasn't too long before I was well enough to go back to my old sleeping postion. Now, a little over a year later, I sleep anyway I feel like, pain free.. as for the clicking.. well.. I thinkthe hardest part was in the beginning... getting used to the mechanical.. I know you don't have one.. but still.. these days.. I don't even notice it..

Keep that great recovery going forward... don't over do it..

Be proud of your poppin. Bet nobody else you know can say the same thing (except us). It means that you have had a really big ****oo that's getting better and better every day. I slept a little bit on my side, but kept my "up" arm along top side because I was scared I would squeeze the bones together and hurt myself! Mine, where the bones join even after a year, don't seem to be completely symmetrical and maybe arent. Also can feel the wires that are still in there. Not to worry, tho. All's well.

During first few weeks, I was up and down during the night trying to find comfort, but would nap during the day when the mood struck.

God bless


Hey Steve!
Poppings okay... as long as you don't pop too much!!! Follow your doc's orders and don't try to lift anything heavy... I did and broke a couple of wires (which is fine as long as they don't poke through the skin). I still have the broken one... surgeon may take it out in September when I see him. This is an in-patient procedure.

I slept on our recliner/couch for two months following my surgery.... the head of our bed is raised six inches because of my sinus problems and I just couldn't get in and out by myself. I felt guilty waking my husband everytime I needed to head to the bathroom (which was quite frequently with all the Lasix!!! lol)

Take care,
Chest Popping

Chest Popping

Everytime I swing my golf club, I can feel a shifting of sorts in my sternum, or when I move quickly from right to left or vice versa.

It doesn't hurt and I don't worry about it. I'm sure I could get another piece of wire if one snaps.

I worry about my golf game more than this.
I had some popping in my chest for about a year after my AVR, especially when swimming breast stroke. It finally went away completely. I was afraid my sternum had not healed properly, but it sounds like lots of people had a similar experience.

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