Pop or don't Pop?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
The klutz in me is still around, first time in years this has happened:frown2:

I gave myself a blood bluster, pinched my finger with the pruning shears. The question is; do I pop the blister or leave it alone?

It's rather on the small side (small pea size), still slightly throbbing, not red but purple. There is a small lump that is a little hard but mostly soft.

My first thought is to leave it alone and let it heal on its own, now I'm second guessing myself being on warfarin and the chance of infection.

Oh what to do, what to do?
I usually wait until it dries out underneath (inside scab) then I pop it open, just to make it go away quicker. I am not on anticoagulants though either.
Anticoagulants aren't the issue. It's not going to bleed any more then anything else. Infection is more of a concern.
Thanks everyone.
I was led to believe to pop it to relieve the pressure. It's been about 5 hours since I did this and the finger is still throbbing/tingling.
But I won't touch it.
Get some ice on the darned thing.

But I did it like 10 hours ago. Would ice still help?

I've also notice this evening that from my first knuckle up to the finger tip of the finger the blister is on is purple. I'm thinking this is just more bruising right?
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But I did it like 10 hours ago. Would ice still help?

I've also notice this evening that from my first knuckle up to the finger tip of the finger the blister is on is purple. I'm thinking this is just more bruising right?

I imagine so. I'd of had to be there to see just how you did it to say for sure.
I imagine so. I'd of had to be there to see just how you did it to say for sure.

You know the police take finger prints? Take a good old fashion wooden clothes pin and take a tiny pinch that same area, that is where mine is located. I pinched my finger in between the handles of my hand held pruning scissors/shears.

It's better today. No lump, the area is soft with a small red spot, but still quite tender.
You know the police take finger prints? Take a good old fashion wooden clothes pin and take a tiny pinch that same area, that is where mine is located. I pinched my finger in between the handles of my hand held pruning scissors/shears.

It's better today. No lump, the area is soft with a small red spot, but still quite tender.

I'm guessing you've never actually been fingerprinted by police! I had to go to a local police station to get fingerprinted for an out-of-state insurance license. To get an effective fingerprint, they start by putting the very side of the finger down, roll it over slowly until the other side of the finger (just before the fingernail) is on the paper. In California, when you pass the state test for your license, they take your fingerprints on a machine like a zerox. You just your hand on some glass, and bizzzzttt! I'ts all done.

My mind is a treasure-trove of useless information.

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