Poll -- Did Your Parents Smoke?

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Both parents were smokers. Mother died at 52 from leukemia, father at 55 from throat cancer......

I've hated smoking for as long as I can remember....never smoked but have asthma I'm sure as a result of second hand smoke.

Tyce's mom and dad did not smoke.

Great poll and great responses.

My dad smoked heavily - Wills Woodbines unfiltered. He died at the age of 76 in 1995 from smoking-related bronchitis. He was of the generation that fought WW2 - always told me that during the war they referred to cigarettes as "coffin nails" (even in the 1940s they obviously knew **** weren't exactly health-enhancing...). He also hit the booze pretty heavily at times.
My mum smoked, but more socially and nowhere near as much. She is still with us at the age of 83.
I've inherited my father's tendency to have the odd drink too many, but have never smoked.

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