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The last two and a half weeks have seemed like a dream. The Thursday before Labor Day our daughter-in-law (28 yrs.) had some swollen lymph nodes in her neck checked by her ENT and a CT scan was done. Later that day she was called back into the doc's office and told that it was suggestive of Lymphoma. A biopsy was done the next day and the Tuesday after Labor Day we were told it was definitely Lymphoma but they didn't know what kind. On Thursday we met with an Oncologist and found out that it is Hodgkin's (thank goodness). If it had to be Lymphoma, then this is the one to get. She will be getting a second opinion this week at Emory (they live in Atlanta) and she has already been told by the first Oncologist that she will need Chemo and a small amount of radiation. It was staged at a IIA which is considered early and they are saying it will be cured. We feel very positive but would appreciate your prayers over the next several months as she goes through the treatments. Thank you so much. I'll keep you updated. LINDA