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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
I live in Denver NC
The last two and a half weeks have seemed like a dream. The Thursday before Labor Day our daughter-in-law (28 yrs.) had some swollen lymph nodes in her neck checked by her ENT and a CT scan was done. Later that day she was called back into the doc's office and told that it was suggestive of Lymphoma. A biopsy was done the next day and the Tuesday after Labor Day we were told it was definitely Lymphoma but they didn't know what kind. On Thursday we met with an Oncologist and found out that it is Hodgkin's (thank goodness). If it had to be Lymphoma, then this is the one to get. She will be getting a second opinion this week at Emory (they live in Atlanta) and she has already been told by the first Oncologist that she will need Chemo and a small amount of radiation. It was staged at a IIA which is considered early and they are saying it will be cured. We feel very positive but would appreciate your prayers over the next several months as she goes through the treatments. Thank you so much. I'll keep you updated. LINDA
You all will be in my prayers. My son-in-law also had Hodgkins in his 20's before he married my daughter and is now 44, the proud father of Harry and in perfect health. I just know she will do well.

I sent you an e-mail by way of
Hopefully it will make it through.
Please reply direct to my e-mail address
so I can send you 'the rest of the story'.

Be sure to tell your Daughter-in-Law to ask
her oncologist(s) what they can do to protect
the Heart, both from Chemo and Radiation.

Hopefully the more modern procedures will avoid the damage that sometimes resulted from the (Higher) Radiation Levels used in the earlier decades (60's through 80's) which typically didn't show up for another 20 years.

At last count, we have at least 25 members who
have had Valve Replacement Surgery due to damage from Radiation Therapy to the Chest (in the 60's to 80's). Supposedly this represents about a 4% risk from the latest numbers I've seen. It's not clear to me if that is from the Old Protocol or the New Protocol.
You can count...........

You can count...........

on our prayers, too! Please keep us posted. Hugs. Janet
You are given my best thoughts and prayers
going out to you and all mentioned.

zipper2 (DEB)
Al, I haven't gotten your private e-mail yet, but I will check again. Kerri's chemo will be AVBD which is the "gold standard" for early favorable Hodgkin's. She will be getting an abbreviated dose and the radiation will only be one time directed at her lymph nodes in her neck and not her chest. The nodes in her neck are the only ones affected, thank goodness. In earlier years I think they gave the radiation to even clean areas that were close to where the cancer was and then they discovered that people were getting solid tumors in those areas and also valve problems in the heart. The ABVD is also less likely to cause problems with fertility which is good since they hadn't started trying to have a family yet. So many things to think about. LINDA
Hi Linda,
I had Lymphoma/Hodgkins in 1979-1981. I was also in stage 2 which with treatment was curable at that time. I had 3 months chemo & 6 months radiation
and had exploratory surgery which at that time was a complete opening of the waist to the lower stomoch area. That was the worst but they do'nt do that surgery anymore just CT Scans. Glad to hear she's not having to have the radiation to her chest area. That is a blessing in itself. Back then they also used alot of experimental procudures to cut the cost of the bill. Which at the time I was newly married and no insurance. We got through it all and I have been in remission for over 20 years. They have so many new treatments out there now.
By the way they told me I would never be able to have children and I did. :)
I will keep your daughter-in-law in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us up dated,if you have any ? please feel free to contact me. I just had a nodule in my lung removed just last Nov. They think it was caused from the radiation treatments. So make sure you ask the dr about that to if they use that kind of treatment on her chest area.
P.S. Al information is good too read up on it....

I will put her in my prayers.....I'm sure she'll be fine but it can't hurt.

This had to be a big shock for all of you. Your DIL and your family have my prayers. I'm glad to read that her prognosis is good.