Please Pray for Hannah!

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OMG! I am sending my prayers to little Hannah---praying hard that she will overcome whatever ails her.

Please keep us posted on her condition & prayers to all of you!

Whew......just read your previous post & see that Hannah's back home! thank God. I hope everything continues on an uphill climb from now on.

Best wishes!
A couple of times my daughter managed to come down with "strange" viruses and end up in the ER and quarantine.
It's very frightening and part of parenting/grandparenting.
Put on a mask and gown and give her a hug. :)
I greatly appreciate all the good wishes and prayers. Hannah and her mother are back from the hospital. The doctor was sure it was neither swine flu nor regular seasonal flu. I don't quite underatand how he can be so sure -- doesn't it take some time to get results back? Anyway, I hope and pray he is right that it was just a garden-variety 12- or 24-hour bug. I don't think the little gal feels much better yet. A temp of 104 was alarming. She will certainly get constant attentive care here.

Ann, appreciate it, and continue to send prayers for your granddaughter.

Yes, it does take some time to get results back. In our area the hospitals are no longer testing for the swine flu since the additional test costs $300, it takes too long to get confirmation, and if the patient is all ready hospitalized, they are treated the same whether it's swine flu or the regular flu. However some of the St. Louis hospitals are testing all suspected cases, and it appears that the majority are the H1N1 strain. Apparently it is spreading faster and making its appearance sooner, than the run of the mill flu.
Having said that, I'm glad that Hannah is at home, and I hope she recovers quickly.
I hope Hannah feels better soon! My 16 yr old son had flu-like symptoms last week and I found out he had been exposed to someone with H1N1. I took him to his GP and they did a flu test where they swabbed his nose and came back and told us within just a few minutes he didn't have the flu. I was relieved!

Well, guess who popped in our door while we were eating dinner a few minutes ago? Yep, Miss Hannah. She still looks a little pale, but obviously feels better. So I don't know what the problem was -- maybe something she ate at a birthday party last night, except that doesn't explain a 104 degree fever this morning.

Anyway, we're grateful, and also very appreciative of all the prayers and support. It's hard to stay calm when fever and severe stomach upset are involved, given all that's going on. Meanwhile, we went to get our seasonal flu shots, and asked the nurse to take DW's BP (she has a problem with it.) It was 190/100 and if it hadn't subsided a little on the second take, I think the doctor was about to send her to hospital. I am supposed to monitor it tonight and let them know. One thing after another. :eek:
Glad to hear Hannah is feeling better. A parent/grandparent feels so helpless when their children are sick. Prayers for her and you DW, hope that BP comes down.
Well, guess who popped in our door while we were eating dinner a few minutes ago? Yep, Miss Hannah. She still looks a little pale, but obviously feels better. So I don't know what the problem was -- maybe something she ate at a birthday party last night, except that doesn't explain a 104 degree fever this morning.

Anyway, we're grateful, and also very appreciative of all the prayers and support. It's hard to stay calm when fever and severe stomach upset are involved, given all that's going on. Meanwhile, we went to get our seasonal flu shots, and asked the nurse to take DW's BP (she has a problem with it.) It was 190/100 and if it hadn't subsided a little on the second take, I think the doctor was about to send her to hospital. I am supposed to monitor it tonight and let them know. One thing after another. :eek:

I'm not surprised that your wife's BP is so high considering the circumstances that you've been thru w/your dear Hannah. Hopefully now that Hannah is better, your wife's BP issues will begin to normalize.

Best wishes!
Glad to hear Hannah is feeling better. Man what long eyelashes she has. Hope she stays home for one more day just to be sure this 'bug' is out of her system.

Now you have to keep us informed about your DW - hope everything settles down.
it is so hard to see them looking the way she does. it is also scary.

then when they get better, we can hardly believe it's the same child. wonderful, don't you think.

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