I called a few minutes ago; Lynn was in the room and answered the phone. I asked how he was, and she said, "Tired, hungry, and grumpy!"

Ross got on the phone and said, " I'm hungry". I said, "I thought you had eaten a camera for breakfast" but he said "not completely."
(I don't know much about the procedure so I will leave it up to someone else who does to interpret.

I asked him if there was anything we could do from the forum and he said, "send meat, lot's of meat." So there we have it!
He said he had seen the doctor, but for now they are just keeping him where he is and continuing to try and build his blood back up.
He sounds pretty good, a little weak, but not dopey like he did last night.
I won't call again until tomorrow. He is still in intensive care, and I don't want to push my luck gaining access to either Lynn or him.
If anyone wants to send a card to the house, PM me and I will get an address to you. I also have the hospital address if you want that.
Ann, (Hensylee), has voluntered to help send addresses, so I'm going to suggest we split the member list alphabetically and she take half, and I can take half.
If your member name falls between A-L, PM me.
If you're M-Z

p ) PM Hensylee.