PICS & notes, 04/04/09: LEGOLAND, miniatures, etc.

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Sorry this is so late.... The week after this was busy as we had family in town for a cousin's wedding on April 11 ... and I didn't have any time to visit forums. So, hopefully this is better late than never...!

Eight (8) gathered Saturday, April 4, 2009, for a wonderful afternoon at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre. Too bad more members didn't join us; I still had to pay for 10 people. Cost was only $6 per person, versus the regular charge of $19 per person.

MY favorite part is the Legoland city (Chicago) in the beginning room. Kinda wish we could've spent more time in that area. The detail is just ... tremendous. One could conceivably spend a few hours looking at that display ... and still not catch all of the details.

I took ~30 pics, 10 of which I'm posting here... give an overview of what all we saw. Keep in mind ... these are built entirely out of legos.... Enjoy!

The Legoland City reminded me of this miniature wonderland, the link for which was posted on by Roopull:

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Nothing can take the place of being there" ... Marvin Gaye ... 'Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing'
The group that attended, L to R:
Carol (VR)
Amy (MCF) and her fiance
Carol (ACHA) and her daughter [Carol's husband took the pic]
Lorraine (VR)

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