Pet Peeve - NO acknowledgement from thread originator

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
Pet Peeve - NO acknowledgement from thread originators.

Whenever I see a thread started by a Question from a member, followed by Many Responses by other members, but NO acknowledgement by the originator, I always wonder if the originator read any of the posts, or some of the posts, or all of the posts.

To my mind, it would be courteous of the originator to at least acknowledge reading the posts and preferably thank the posters for their contributions (either individually or as a group).

To leave the responders hanging without acknowledgement seems discourteous at best and brings into question if the responders are 'wasting their time' when they reply to inquiries.

I've seen several examples of this lately and it leaves me asking myself if I want to take the time and effort to respond to this thread.

'AL Capshaw'
For me, the detail of my response in recognition of replies/posters depends mostly on the amount of replies there is in my thread and also my prior experiences with starting threads. If there's more than 10 posts that merit comment, I probably won't reply with individual recognition of their posts. On bigger forums it gets to the point of being too arduous a process to address every single post in a thread that might be 50 replies long. I use syntax that's similar to conversations in real life. IE, I wouldn't address each person by name after they speak and respond to what they said... if only because I wouldn't be able to remember what each person said if 25/50/100 people said something.

I might try to continue the discussion by posting, and then reply with a condensed version of my thoughts on the replies. Sometimes if I don't reply with specific recognition, it means I've taken your post in to thoughtful consideration.

On most forums I frequent, we start threads with the idea that each person will contribute to it without more intervention from the original poster or thread starter. So for example, if I start a thread that says "tell your story about your valves", that's all the direction most of the communities I visit would require to say their story, and for the thread to continue indefinitely. They would continue the thread until no one has anything to contribute. It might even wonder off topic and eventually a newcomer would post something on topic again. Alot of threads serve as an archive of information on a particular topic that can be recalled for members that haven't read it yet... which obviates an OP's interaction.

I've started threads in 2005 that are still active today without my interaction. Each one might have more than 2,000 replies. Usually that's a "bragging right".
Sometimes I think that some newer members possibly can't find their threads again, while they're not yet familiar with the forum. And I recall how the second page of a thread, and simultaneous postings, were both a little confusing to me at first also, having never been on a forum before when I found this site five years ago.

And then there may be some members who might be completely wrapped up in their own situation at present. Maybe their world is shaken.

Even if they don't acknowledge your input, they may have appreciated it and/or learned from it. And/or others may also.
I'm quilty at times for being late especially by 17hrs
sorry everybody but i put in a 16 hr shift for a no show
and did her extra 8 hours,Ready for a drop out cold here.
By time got home ,dealt with family issues and DH day i finally
made it to answer anything i knew to my post and supper dishes
not cleared yet,hubby in bed after 12 hr shift today and its now
1130 pm here.Apologies for my lateness everyone regarding
any of my posts......My job sucks at times!!!!!:p

I know what you mean Al....I have seen this happen too and it just gets me wondering "why?"...

I think its courteous to respond appropriately in thread you lets other members know you appreciate their input and keeps this whole forum world turning.
To be honest, I hadn't really noticed. The way I figure it, even if the original poster never came back to read the responses, the responses still benefit other members interested in the issue and the "lurkers" who are always coming here for info even if they never officially join. I've learned alot from questions I never thought to ask so I'm thankful others keep bringing stuff up. Yes, it would be courteous if the originator acknowledged the responses, even collectively, but as I see it this site is about sharing broadly so if they don't I'm not bothered.
As a professional fence rider:p I agree with everyone, so far;).....I guess it is more curiosity on my part if the original poster does not reply ... there is to much other stuff going on here for me to spend time wondering or worrying why someone did not reply to my response.
If someone started a thread, got a lot of repsonses, but never came back to acknowledge, it may be because he or she had a lot to deal with in their lives, maybe even emergencies. I assume that at some point they read the responses and appreciated them, but even if they didn't, other members got the benefit of seeing the discussion.

Members have been so generous in responding to some of my SOSes - for example when my wife recently had the mini-stroke -- that I didn't respond personally to each and every post -- I was going back and forth to the hospital. I believe I did respond collectively. Got a lot of good advice about cutting down on salt in diet -- detailed info. I didn't respond in detail to each one, but believe me, I read and re-read them all and appreciated them.

My point is that I assume the person who asked received something in return. Personally, I do not need a thanks for responding to a thread. And I assume many of these discussions benefit a wide audience, including the lurkers out there.
Pet Peeve - NO acknowledgement from thread originators.

Whenever I see a thread started by a Question from a member, followed by Many Responses by other members, but NO acknowledgement by the originator, I always wonder if the originator read any of the posts, or some of the posts, or all of the posts.

To my mind, it would be courteous of the originator to at least acknowledge reading the posts and preferably thank the posters for their contributions (either individually or as a group).

To leave the responders hanging without acknowledgement seems discourteous at best and brings into question if the responders are 'wasting their time' when they reply to inquiries.

I've seen several examples of this lately and it leaves me asking myself if I want to take the time and effort to respond to this thread.

'AL Capshaw'

This is the first forum I have belonged to and I am unsure about forum etiquette, but I am so grateful for this community. I know that when I joined I was in quite a state of panic and frustration and I believe I did like most did and I read every post I could trying to make this whole process make sense to me. Al, your posts were some of the first I read and I was and am still very grateful for your knowledge that you have chosen to share with us. Although I understand your frustration, I hope you know that even though a certain person may not come back and say thank you to you personally, for whatever their reason may be, you definitely are not wasting your time, as your wisdom and knowledge, along with all the other members here as well who take the time to help others understand the processes and the choices there are to make and the consequences of those choices, is invaluable and carries through to all the others who visit this site who are scared and are looking for answers.

Thanks to all of you who responded :)

I appreciate your inputs.

The point about 'other readers' benefiting as well is well taken.

I guess I will just have to hope that the originator read the responses to their inquiries, whether they liked them or not.

'AL Capshaw'
Ditto to Susan BAV and Diana. I am a message board novice, too. I can't even figure out how to reduce a picture to the required KB so I can have a photo on this site.
Manners should not be lacking.

Manners should not be lacking.

Dear Al,
It shows a lack of manners to not thank those that responded to a tread one originates. Perhaps it's from not understanding etiquette or problems or even lack of tread savvy. Then again, it may also be they lack manners. Sad.

I started 1 tread and did thank everyone after I received several replies. 1 of the replies was yours and it helped me.
I now have a copy of my mother's surgical report. I wouldn't have asked for it if it wasn't for your post.

I also have received great advice, answers, direction and even assurances by reading many treads started by others. This site has helped me enormously.
YOU have helped me enormously.
You have made many great posts that I have read. So even if the tread starter lacks manners, your posts are not in vain. I'm certain there are legions of people that have read treads and never asked any questions because others had already and they reaped the benefits.
As one that has benefited I must ask for you to please keep posting.

Thank you,
This is a big thank you to all of you. I read most of the posts on here. I don't respond as well as you do but I do learn a lot if it isn't my question. There are times when I see a post and think WOW that's exactly how I feel.

So Al this is for you for anytime I didn't acknowledge you. THANKS! and for all of the times I've read your posts and they made me feel better about what was going with me.
Pet Peeve - NO acknowledgement from thread originators.

I've seen several examples of this lately and it leaves me asking myself if I want to take the time and effort to respond to this thread.

'AL Capshaw'

Wal now, doesn't go a gittin' yer drawers all bunched up. :eek::rolleyes:;):p

Yo' an' yer posts is appreesheeated hyar even eff'n yo' live in Alabama whar yo' is allus an hour late. ;):rolleyes:

Thet thar Engineerin' mind of yourn kin git a might detailed but yo' muss hold a reco'd hyar fo' steerin' noo folks into th' ON-X valve. Wifout yer input, they probably'd nevah haf axed, cuss it all.

Keep on a postin', PLEASE!

Back t'th' basement,

Bubba :)
It shows a lack of manners to not thank those that responded to a tread one originates. Perhaps it's from not understanding etiquette or problems or even lack of tread savvy. Then again, it may also be they lack manners. Sad.

For some people, this may be the first forum they've participated in. I've seen some posts that make it obvious that not everyone is computer-savvy today (posts in all caps, etc.).
I would prefer to credit the lack of response by the originator to not knowing we are eager for a response by them, or not perhaps they've not learned how to negotiate the website.

Some people are also introverts. The anonymity of the internet helps those folks, but perhaps it was still difficult to do that post and now they're hesitant to respond.

I've never been miffed when I don't see a response from a person who posts an inquiry. I do hope that the inquirer was able to benefit from the flood of responses that resulted. ;)
Thanks to all of you who responded :)

I appreciate your inputs.

The point about 'other readers' benefiting as well is well taken.

I guess I will just have to hope that the originator read the responses to their inquiries, whether they liked them or not.

'AL Capshaw'

I'm glad to see you responded, Al! :p

I think I'm sometimes guilty of doing this, and I would like to offer my apologies if I am. :)
I know that I have been disappointed sometimes to return to a thoughtful response I gave, to a person who seemed interesting or needing and never to know whether they read it or not. I do honestly think it is common courtesy to respond on some level. As Al says, just as an acknowledgement.

It is simply good manners. We probably have no Emily Post of the internet. She doesn't factor in much these days at all. In general, manners have changed. I have brought up my 3 children to be quite cognizant of their manners and others' manners and it is fun sometimes to see them scrunch up their faces at someone who is not polite!!

That said, heart surgery is a large and emotional prospect. Lives are busy. It is very simply something that can and should be excused if a response is not forthcoming. Disappointing, but no blame.

Glad you said something, Al. I think these responses have been very good.

:) Marguerite
Mr. Al...

Mr. Al...

I would just like to express my appreciation for all the information you share with newbies and us oldies alike. Your posts are informative, non-biased and it's easy to see that you do your research.

All that takes loads of time and energy, but mostly your concern and caring for folks. So, hats off to you Mr. Al for all you do on this website -- we all appreciate it..!
Al, I'm a relative newbie and hope I've not been guilty of failing to thank folks for their thoughtful responses to my questions. I suspect that, in my anxiety, I very likely am one of the guilty parties. I'll certainly be more mindful in the future. Please understand that, when we (the editorial "we") do that, rudeness was never intended. Mea Culpa!

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