Good morning fellow Gang Member
lets leave Chuck as the leader, cos I'm sure not gonna wrestle him for leadership)
That statement still reads wrong. Assuming the risk is 2%, by year 30 the probability is still 2% in that coming year.
well I'm sure that the one-eye'd wink meant that he was signalling his being disingenuous for the sake of his personal amusement, this .-) normally means the poster you are talking to is one eyed (and that whole
kingdom of the blind thing) or is implying you are.
However the points I'm wanting to make are:
- genuine engagement
- due dilligence
This guy shows neither and indeed worse, shows a reaction of upping the game to get him to win. Its all about him (or why else would you not discuss things openly and genuinely on a thread that a newbie has started seeking advice). If this guy genuinely believed his normal position of "don't trust some random guy on the internet" (but listen to me) then he'd shut up and say "ask your doctor".
The fact is that the person asked here and the other fact is some of us do know. Further the fact is that (if the guy was genuine the internet has many resources for maths and these are well written
The guy could then check that his method was correct and engage in genuine discussion, perhaps citing a few references. Do we see that? No we don't. We instead see personal attacks, contradictions to arguments (dismissal of them) and smug delivery of strawman arguments. All the hall marks of some other personality characteristic.
I'm not sure how old your kids are but I'm pretty sure that if they approached maths the way this guy is that their teacher would say "sorry, but that's not correct and you can't justify it" and they'd have to go about learning what is correct. Unlike "faith" there is a correct in maths.
Lastly engaging with this guy from this direction is doing exactly what he wants. You'll play by the rules, he wont.
This guy just wrote a submission about providing support for both sides of the room. Is he doing that or is he just appealing to words that will mean something to a genuine person but not him.
Here we see he's not actually doing anything genuinely.
I believe that the problem is he is butthurt about his valve choice and is gradually seeing that what he thinks he heard the surgeon tell him (that your valve will last 2 to 3 times longer than previous tissue valves) may not be true. I understood that he's written here that "people shouldn't talk about these things because it triggers him" ... suggesting
that nobody after me deserves supportive and open discussion because "
I made a call that I'm not going to convince myself was right"
This if fundamentally the hallmark of an idiot, which is not to say someone is stupid, or unintelligent, it is rather something different. Let me quote from Matthew B Crawfords great book on the value of work:
{referencing Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance}
Pirsig’s mechanic is, in the original sense of the term, an idiot. Indeed, he exemplifies the truth about idiocy, which is that it is at once an ethical and a cognitive failure. The Greek idios means “private,” and an idiōtēs means a private person, as opposed to a person in their public role—for example, that of motorcycle mechanic.
Pirsig’s mechanic is idiotic because he fails to grasp his public role, which entails, or should, a relation of active concern to others, and to the machine. He is not involved. It is not his problem. Because he is an idiot.
This still comes across in the related English words “idiomatic” and “idiosyncratic,” which similarly suggest self-enclosure. For example, when a foreigner asks him for directions, the idiot will reply idiomatically, rather than refer to a shared coordinate system. He also lacks the attentive openness that seeks things out in the shared world, as when Pirsig’s mechanic “barely listened to the piston slap before saying, ‘Oh yeah. Tappets.’”
At bottom, the idiot is a solipsist
You can't teach an idiot to not be an idiot.
So fundamentally (in my view) this guy is going to go on about this as there is an inner conflict occuring in him where parts of him are tapping him on the shoulder saying "
hey, mate ... this isn't right" while other parts of him recoil from that because it implies "
I made a mistake, I shouldn't have just sat like a sack and listened to my Dr's solo opinion."
There are members here who've recently had (say) an On-X valve and now see that perhaps a StJude would be a small margin better. However do they deny that? Nope, they fess it up and act like an Honest Man. I'm the same, I have an ATS valve yet have gone on record as say things like "that while each mech valve is more or less the same I'd advise people to have a good look at the St Jude" as not only does it meet its claims in situ, but has a huge track record to back it up. To me that's what an Honest Mand does.
This guy isn't acting like an Honest Man he's acting like a disingenuous idiot.
So my advice is to simply correct what disinformation this guy spreads and politely allow him then to continue spreading disinformation to satisfy his ego.
Lastly I'm writing this publically to you
@Superman rather than going "covert" to prevent people from getting their ego dented, because I believe that this is a point about honesty.
Best Wishes