Penny's post surgery progress

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Hey everyone. I talked with my brother shortly this morning. He said the rest of yesterday wasn't very good. It seems the nurse forgot to give her the pain meds and the other nurses assumed that she had it already. She told them she was having a lot of pain and they kinda brushed it off saying "Yes you will have some pain" ;( Anyway, I guess they figured out after a few hours of her complaining and gave her some finally! On the positive side the had her up at the end of the night to use the washroom. I've asked my brother to call me again tonight and let me know how today went. Keep you posted.
Yes I completely agree. They kept telling my husband"go" but I would not let him leave me. Everytime I hit my nurse button, it would take forever for someone to come. At one point, IN CARDIAC ICU ! , I had to pound on my rail of my bed because no one would answer my button. They later claimed my intercom thing was broken.....hours later a maintenance man came by and said my intercom was just fine. SO really I would not let anyone leave me alone. As the days went on, they proved me right each time. One time I knew I was going to be sick and i pushed the button and my husband timed it 9 mins! Needless to say he helped me...but what would have happened if he was not there. Wow, sorry that sounded kinda like a rant.....but my point is, Your family is the best caretakers you can have. Please let Penny know I am thinking about her and hoping all goes better tomorrow. Robin
I had some mistakes w/ my meds too... Overall most of my nurses were awsome but a couple of them weren't so good... Hope Penny's past that pain now and is all medicated again. Get well soon Penny!!!
Geesh, when I was in ICU, I was once reaching for something on the lunch tray, and the nurse came running in to hand it to me. I never had to use the call button in ICU; nurses were in my room a lot and extremely attentive and I never had to ask for pain meds in ICU either. The few times I did use the call button when I was out of ICU, the nurse always came in very quickly.
Hey everyone... Its too bad that many people have had negative hospital experiences. They do happen though.. I just spoke to my brother tonight. He passed on some messages from everyone. Today was much better and she's able to get up and use the washroom on her own now. Things seem to be coming along very nicely! Not much to report everyone.
Sorry you had to go without your pain meds!!!! Glad to hear you're getting up and going to the washroom on your own though! That's how it will go, very slowly, but you will see different little progressions almost every day. I'll be glad when you're on your way home!!!!! Take care!
The family MUST be strong advocates for the patients care........ take care of her Lindsey

I couldn't agree with Greg more on this. I kept track of when Justin got his meds, so IF something like this happend I would say he is in pain because it is past time for his meds. Beside the pain issue I'm glad things are going well
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Hey Everyone. I spoke with my brother late last night. Yesterday was a great day again. She's experiencing alittle back pain but other than that she's not too uncomfortable. She is doing so well that she could have left today (day 4) but they want to keep her over night and release her in the morning. She should be back to making her own posts very shortly!
Now that is progress! So glad that your mom is doing well. However, she is still early in recovery...she knows the drill, walk, rest and eat. Take things slllowwwllly.
Unfortunately, I was hoping for a 4 day hospital stay, but liked it so much I ended up with the 16 day stay, ;)(not what I would recommend).
Thanks for the update! I've been so anxious to hear something. I'm so glad Penny's doing so well and look forward to her posting soon!!! Take care Penny, we are all waiting for you here!!!
Hi Lindsey,

Please tell your Mom, Kathy at VR said hello! Thanks so much for the update!

Happy things are working themselves out, welcome home & back to the forum soon & do post your experience.

Remember breathe, walk, sleep and eat ....have a very smooth ferry ride home.

Hey you two! Thanks for the report. Back pain's pretty common after OHS. It seems to be the last pain to go away, too. At least it was for me.

A little massage and maybe a hot water bottle or heating pad may help relax those abused back muscles.

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