Peg's Surgery

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Hi everyone, this is Peg's daughter! I just wanted to let everyone know that Peg got her valve repaired and the surgery went very well! She is currently resting comfortably in ICU and my dad said that she looks great lol. We would all like to thank you guys so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! :)
I'm glad everything went well and your mom was able to get a repair like she hoped for. thanks for letting us know so soon, Lyn
Wonderful news!!!!
Best wishes for continued success.
Thanks for posting!

Thanks for letting us know. Please give your mom a big hug from all of us.
Fantastic!!!!!!! I just know that she'll feel so relieved to have it over and to know that she had a repair, that she will not care how weak she feels and will just rejoice at the fact that every day she will feel better!
Wonderful! I know how relieved you must all be that the surgery is over. You'll be amazed at how much better she will be over just the next few days. Take good care of each other and thanks for posting!!!!


such good news! sending some good vibes her way for a safe and boring recovery. tell her to pamper herself and not to worry about getting "better" too soon. it will come...:)
Give your mama a soft, gentle hug from DJ/utvolsfan and let her know that I couldn't be happier for her!
She earned her badge of courage and I am so very pleased it went so well.
Debbi :D


Please tell her we patiently await her return. She has made such a wonderful contribution in the short time she's been here! Brian
Thanks for the news!!!

Soooo glad all is going well. Many of us right behind!

Way to go Peg!

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