Well-known member
Bad Mad said:"I also have seen and read reports (one from a Medical Journal, others from an Internet Discussion Forum for Surgeons) of Early Valve FAILURES (in the O.R. mostly, but some post-op) of another 'new' valve.
Again, I prefer NOT to alarm recipients who are doing just fine with that same valve. (Part of the problem seems to be proper sizing at the time of surgery. Patients who are doing fine obviously were sized correctly.)"
Now that Ross has confirmed your intentions re: ON-X to be completely sincere Al, we can move on, and I can attack you about something else![]()
I am messing of course. But having said that, do you not think the statement above is going to spark curiosity and questions from people wanting to know exactly which valve it is you are talking about? So indirectly, you ARE going to alarm some people?!![]()
How to balance information to "protect the public" is a never-ending debate in our world today. Good arguments can be made for both sides of the issue.
The 'Discussion' in the Heart Surgery Forum (a Forum for Surgeons and NOT a part of has been removed but copies are available from people who saved that debate on their computers. Catheran Burnett has a copy and so do I, among others. It can be e-mailed as an attachment. FWIW, a link to that discussion was posted on when it first started but I can no longer find it. A link to The Heart Surgery Forum can be found by using Google or other Search Engine.
The article (detailing a particular type of failure during Aortic Valve Surgery) can be found in The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery for June 2005, page 1446. Again, either Catheran or I can send it as an attachment in an e-mail. I expect others also have copies of this information.
After inquiring, I have been asked NOT to post the text from these sources on and will continue to honor that request.
'AL Capshaw'