I guess the only way I could get through all of Joe's surgeries and other things was to focus almost entirely on his problems and what I could do to help him. I did allow myself some small amount of time to worry about me, but I mainly kept focused on his needs and doing whatever I could to help him through.
That even meant that I would do my best to look nice when I went to the hospital, and even when there were medical problems and he was having difficulties, I would wipe the worried look off my face and walk in with a smile, the morning newspaper, a cup of coffee, if he was allowed, and either a small joke or gossip from the neighborhood, keep it light and "fluffy". I'd see if he needed any kind of personal care, maybe a hair comb, back rub or freshing up, whatever would help him feel better, possibly go for a walk with him down the hall. In other words, try to keep his life as normal as possible, and not make him feel like an invalid.
When I got home, I would focus on what I had to do around the house, and then think about what I would do for him the next day. I tried to put the scary thoughts way on the back burner, and like Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind", "fiddle-dee-dee, I'll worry about that tomorrow".
The theory here is that if you spend so much time obsessing about the bad things, and they never happen, you will have wasted all that time, when you could have done something nice for yourself, your children and Genaro.
Just keep focusing on the future, jumping over this rough spot into the light of the time when Genaro will be healing and feeling better, and he can do all his normal activities again.
Focus-focus-focus on the task at hand.
Here is my list of things that you could bring to the hospital for YOU on the day of surgery.
A nice little canvas or other carry bag with handles-something sturdy that can be laundered.
Crossword puzzle book or other thing that could help to pass the time
Prepaid calling card if needed to call long distance
Roll of quarters for vending machines
Pkg. of Altoids or other strong mints (mouth can get dry when you are nervous)
Small bottle of mouthwash
Imodium (I was glad I had that!)
Small pkg. of Tums
Aspirin, Advil or other headache remedy
Some hard candies
A neck roll pillow, like those used for traveling
A small throw, nerves can make you cold
A pad and pencil
A list of important phone numbers
Pkg. of hand wipes or baby wipes
Small bottle of Purell
Small pkg. of Kleenex
Travel size hand lotion
Lip balm
Also, take a notepad and both you and Genaro make a little set of drawings indicating things like,
find the nurse
have to go potty
my mouth is dry
my lips are dry
I Love You
your surgery went very well
and you can come up with your own things
This will be helpful when Genaro isn't able to talk to you while in the ICU. He can point to the drawings.