Vero, I noted that your husband had an angiogram. Of all the stuff I went through with OHS to get a mechanical mitral valve put in, that procedure was the most horrid. The OHS itself just resulted in a bunch of quickly-forgotten pain that subsided over the next few weeks, something that this particular wimp finds much easier to deal with.
Regarding your anxiety...
Careful with the Xanax. That stuff is addicting. I'm not against it (I take another benzodiazepene myself, Diazepan, as needed to help me sleep), but with all addicting drugs you need to know that if you take them on a regular basis, especially daily, you will begin to build up tolerance - i.e. it'll quit working unless you increase the dose. And as you keep increasing the dose over time to keep it working you can eventually find that you've become strung out on it. Not much of an issue for short-term use, but something to look out for if you're going to be taking it for, say, a month or longer.
FYI, I asked my pharmacist about this, and she told me that tolerance can become an issue with benzodiazepines (Xanax, Librium, Valium, etc.) if you take them more than 3-4 days a week over time.
I've found that an excellent fix for me when I'm feeling anxious is to go for a walk.