OUCH!!!! I need to vent a little.. This Friday i see my cardio,and i am very nervous!!!!He recieved the report this week how I got hurt at work. I actually got a chair chucked at my head, and split open my ear, and caused some soare spots in my head. Along with my jaw feeling like it wants to pop out. While at the ER they did a CatScan, X-Ray of the jaw, and a INR Level check everything seems to be okay. If i touch a couple of spots on my head i get tinggling and numbing into my face. Everything is pretty tender i guess you could say... But im nervous that when i travel the 5 hours to see my cardio hes going to tell me to change the path of where i work I hate "fighting" with him. I just was wondering has anyone had a pretty hard hit to the head and had any "bad" effects from it down the road? I guess you could say that this is my first "BIG" accident/incident since being on coumadin. Besides the everyday bruising......
Anyone have any "BIG" accidents/incidents happen to them and had to fight with thier cardio? (i know my cardio has my best interest in mind, but... i dont think he's going to be happy when i go see him)
Any thoughts....
Anyone have any "BIG" accidents/incidents happen to them and had to fight with thier cardio? (i know my cardio has my best interest in mind, but... i dont think he's going to be happy when i go see him)
Any thoughts....