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OUCH!!!! I need to vent a little.. This Friday i see my cardio,and i am very nervous!!!!He recieved the report this week how I got hurt at work. I actually got a chair chucked at my head, and split open my ear, and caused some soare spots in my head. Along with my jaw feeling like it wants to pop out. While at the ER they did a CatScan, X-Ray of the jaw, and a INR Level check everything seems to be okay. If i touch a couple of spots on my head i get tinggling and numbing into my face. Everything is pretty tender i guess you could say... But im nervous that when i travel the 5 hours to see my cardio hes going to tell me to change the path of where i work:( I hate "fighting" with him. I just was wondering has anyone had a pretty hard hit to the head and had any "bad" effects from it down the road? I guess you could say that this is my first "BIG" accident/incident since being on coumadin. Besides the everyday bruising......

Anyone have any "BIG" accidents/incidents happen to them and had to fight with thier cardio? (i know my cardio has my best interest in mind, but... i dont think he's going to be happy when i go see him) :confused: :confused: :mad: :confused:
Any thoughts....
I am sure that your cardiologist will be very worried about your head trauma. Head traumas in people who are on Coumadin are pretty serious because bleeding inside the brain can happen. He probably wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't suggest that you think about things carefully.

However, in the end, it is your life, and your choice of careers. Things like this could happen to anyone, they could slip on the ice (as happened once to my husband), fall down stairs and have other accidents.

So it isn't necessarily your career that is the problem, unless this is happening frequently. Then it could be a serious problem for you.
Ross said:
Dang Diesel, what do you do? Big time wrestling or Prison guard?

Kinda funny you say "Prison Gaurd" For a long time thats what i wanted to do... childhood dreams! LOL But actually I work for a school with children with all disabilities and BEHAVIORAL teenaged children, can you guess which one was having an "incident" that day?:confused: :confused: :confused: :(
I recently fell in my office (got up from my chair, didn't notice it had rolled away), caught the edge of the chair which sent it flying and away from my butt. I hit the back of my head on the edge of the desk as I was going down so the entire force of my body was in the movement. I was quite worried and did the "watch for signs of bleeding" thing for about a week. This was several weeks ago and I am fine.

So, obviously, no matter what your job (I am a corporate controller), you can injure yourself. I don't recommend these things but it is possible to come through without problems. BTW, my INR at the time was above 4.0.
I also am a teacher, but haven't had any chairs thrown recently. I did have a first grader a few years ago who did that, but he wasn't very strong and we knew when to avoid him. However, I fell off a desk recently while using it (stupidly) as a ladder. The desk tilted and so did I. I ended up with three large bruises - one on my underarm to my elbow, one on my calf, and another on my butt. I hit my head pretty hard on the floor, but luckily, my head is extremely hard. The jarring gave me a mild headache, but that's it. The desk was beyond repair as well! Anyway, in the long run, all went away, including the desk, and I learned my lesson (at least for a few weeks until I do it again :eek: ). Every career has its risks, and we all bring additional risks on ourselves. I'm sure your doctor will understand that. Luckily, God is on my side because left to myself, I'd be in a heap of trouble!