oral surgery

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys and gals, I am having oral surgery on December 23rd(I know, nice day, huh?) and I was wondering if there was any advise you could give me? I am on penicillin, VK250 MG BID, aspirin 325MG BID, and metoprolol 50MG in the morning, and 25 MG in the evening. They are giving me IV antibiotics, and really strong premeds just to be sure that I don't end up with endocarditis. Is there anything else I should do besides have Kev home all day? I have to have three back molars pulled because they are bad. Wish me luck!
Well, bless your heart, Sweetie - So sorry it's such a strange day to do it. It sounds like you are covered - but just one thing, be sure your oral surgeon is at your disposal THROUGHOUT Christmas. That should be a given on his/her part, but never know. Just demand it so there are no questions asked if you should have to call her/him.

Having had a bunch of oral surgeries myself, I would recommend a bag of ice and a pile of movies. Watch a movie, hit rewind, go to the kitchen and replenish your ice bag, and insert another movie. I call this technique "DISTRACTION". Worked for me! Also, gear up for the warm salt-water rinses. You'll be fine!
