Oral surgery monday...

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that monday morning, I will be having oral surgery. Right now I feel like crap because they have me on cleocin 2 capsules every 8 hours(150mg) penicillin vk 250MG BID, and metoprolol 50 MG in the morning, and 25 MG at night. I think it is the antibiotics that have me feeling like I am going to throw up. I am now on the phone trying to find out if I should take my amoxicilin, penicillin, and my cleocin? Or should I just take the cleocin? Or should I continue my penicillin with the cleocin since they are prescribed to prevent two different things? Just don't know...I am getting nervous though. I mean I know it isn't as big as a hysterectomy or my MVR, but I still have to have needles stuck in me, and I HATE needles! Especially IV's. I think Iwill try not to think about it. Anyways, I better get going. I am going to get the house cleaned up before I take my nap. Hopefully the kids will let me. Maybe I will get my errands run before anything so I can relax this afternoon? I will keep you guys posted.
I wish we could abolish needles! I'm right along side you in hating them. I wish I could jab some of the people who jabbed me in the same areas! :eek: I don't think they have a clue what some of the things feel like.

You take care of yourself Tinkerbelle. Keep us posted when you can. I may be needing some oral surgery down the road, so I'm interested in seeing how you do with yours. ;)
You sound very unhappy, Child - and can't say I blame you. Again, a trip to the unknown - don't we get tired of going there. I pray that all will go well for you on Monday. God bless
I no sooner post in this thread and a huge filling falls out of my bottom left molar. GRRRRRRRRR. :mad:
oh boy, Joy

I've had two bouts with oral surgery. one a gigavectomy(cut back the gums) for two teeth. the other was dental implants. I hated going thru it, but grit my teeth. Both of them!
When it comes time for the needles, I hold my own hand and dig the thumbnails in until it hurts. this seems to redirect my mind from the needle. its not a total solution but I do it every time.
As for Ross, he's lucky his tooth didnt' fall out, hey
hope it turns out to be a tolerable experiance, good luck.:)
Rename this thread

Rename this thread

We will just have to rename this thread to the Crappy thread..Joy is going to have oral surgery tomorrow, Ann has had a bad bug..Ross's teeth are falling out and 8 hours after my beautiful grandson..Dalton Wesley Anderson was born )11:59 P.M. Wed. night..I was in ER peeeeeeeeeing bright red blood. Scared the wits out of me. NEVER had an UTI before..Protime was on the lower side so..ER doctor just said I will probably see 8 more women in here today with UTI..Was in no pain and after my first Ciprofloxacin it stopped and went back to normal..OOOhhhhthe life of Coumadin..Taking 2 a day so 3 days left..Will not take Protime until several days after I'm thru with antibotics..So..anybody else sick for Xmas:p :mad: Godd luck Joy and Ross. stick a piece of playdough in you tooth:D Granny (I feel like a Granny now):)
stick a piece of playdough in you tooth

I'm beginning to think that is what the Dentist does do! Half of this tooth is gone. The only way I see a filling staying in it, is to put a pin in to build up silver around. I'm very tired of this happening. I swear I have more money tied up in fillings when it would have got me at least one set of dentures. :( Heck, for what I've got tied up in my mouth, I could have that "Other problem" taken care of!


As in Dawgs..which brings to mind the Georgia Bulldogs are playing FSU in Sugar Bowl New year's Day...Go Dawgs..:D :D
No quarterback

No quarterback

Cause he overslept and didn't take exam and cannot play Hehehehehehe...and when we beat yall...don't use that for an excuse..::p :p :p
I hope everything goes well with your oral surgery. I'm sure everything will be just fine. It will be over before you know it. Please let us know how everything goes.

Good Luck & Take Care!
Aliens and a dog????? OK. I'm confused. Anyhow, No food or drink for me after midnight. Makes me WANT to eat and drink. I normally would NOT eat or drink. Hmmmm, I'll be fine. My mom called me wanting to make sure I was being a good girl and taking my medicine. I am of course, but don't like it! I think it is the beta blockers that make our teeth decay faster. That's what my oral surgeon says, and every other dentist seems to agree with them. SUcks, though, because I am only 25 years old. One day I will have a full head of false teeth...just like that butterfinger commercial where the grampa is eating the butterfinger, and the old lady is waiting quietly, and then he passes her the butterfinger, and she looks at him like, (how am I supposed to eat this) and then he hands her his teeth. :D That one cracks me up! :p Anyways, getting a little nervous, but mainly because I don't know how long it wil take for me to wake up. I guess if there aren't any complication with a heart surgery, the normal person wakes up in a couple hours. Not me...it took me 13 1/2 hours from the time they took me to recovery till the time that I woke up. from 10AM-11:30 PM, and I didn't get off the vent until 1AM! That was a rough night. That is why they are having my husband stay with me for 24 hours. SO hopefully they will be nice at his work. Well, I will keep you all updated so I can take my medicines. Take it easy!
Don't know what time you're gettin away this morning, but a last minute good wish for you and prayers. Please check in when you can to let us know how you are. You are so young to have gone through so much. Please be safe for us. Love Ann
Hey guys, I just thought I would post an update to my surgery on monday. It went well. I had the IV in, and didn't even feel it going in! That was the part I was the most fearful of! I let them know that I thought they did a very good job. She just put the lidocain in, and then put the IV thing in, and I was like, WOW, That was fast and painless! Perhaps I am just used to being stuck by people at the NHB who don't know what they are doing? Anyways, I am doing well, and have been doing everything I was supposed to do, the swelling is pretty much non existant, and the only thing I am having a problem with is getting food stuck in my sockets.

We went to the galley for christmas dinner, they have a good galley on subbase bangor, so instead of me making a huge dinner, my husband suggested we go there. We spent $10.50 on two ham dinners with the works, and it was actually good! I felt so bad for Erik though. He has the flu, and was ill the whole time we were there. Ian had it yesterday, so I figure it is a 24 hour thing...hopefully. WEll, I better get going. I will keep you updated!
Hi Joy!
Glad to hear everything went well. Sounds like you are doing pretty good. I'm sorry to hear that your kids have been sick. My brother-in-law also had some sort of stomach flu today. He caught it from his little boy, who had it a couple days ago. He wasn't able to eat anything today. Well, I hope everyone is feeling better soon and doesn't spread to anyone else.

Take Care & Happy Holidays!
good news!:)
Its great things went so well.
sounds like you had a good deal on that meal. Was out in your area last year. Everett( Boing) beautiful country, seashore and Cascades. I was fascinated by always seeing Mt. ranier.