I have had two open heart surgeries in less than 9 months last year. Born with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and then an aneurysm of 4.5 I had the first surgery November 29, 2021. I had Grand Mal seizure on April 30, 2022 and they did EKG, MRI, etc. I got a blood infection in May 2022 and had to repeat the entire surgery since the blool infection destroyed the new valve and Aorta. After the second surgery August 22, 2022 I had another Grand Mal seizure on December 15, 2022. I've been on Keppra ever since (horrible medication) and don't like it with horrible side effects. I did have an EEG in December and then an Ambulatory EEG last month in June 2023. They found absolutely nothing. I've decreased the Keppra down to 375mg, which is a very low dose according to the two Neurologists I've seen. They have no idea why these seizures occurred and both took place 4, 5 months after the surgery. I believe it is the heart/lung machine, but I'm not a medical Dr. I never had a seizure before OHS.