Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
keeping in mind its the simulation not actual measurements: both returned to desired INR quickly, there was very little difference between the two responces (particularly with the 3 period moving average). My thoughts are that there is little difference between the results for either strategy. If anything there was a steeper slope on the INR curve (perhaps less desirable) with the follow up with next dose is ~ x1.5 dose than the do nothing and resume approach
if you were out of range and missed a dose, then well ... that would be different (and a different scenario
Some studies suggest that rapid fluctuations are more dangerous than being out of range. On the other hand, it may depend upon *how* out of range one is. Your thoughts?
keeping in mind its the simulation not actual measurements: both returned to desired INR quickly, there was very little difference between the two responces (particularly with the 3 period moving average). My thoughts are that there is little difference between the results for either strategy. If anything there was a steeper slope on the INR curve (perhaps less desirable) with the follow up with next dose is ~ x1.5 dose than the do nothing and resume approach
if you were out of range and missed a dose, then well ... that would be different (and a different scenario