Not everyone has a quality lab in their area. Hearing a lab referred to as a “guru” hits the funny bone.
I’ve had some pretty bad labs over the years and I would not call the people there, “guru’s”. The current group I partner with is pretty great. I like them because we talk about solutions rather than them just over-correcting (which I battled with a lot back in the 1990’s). It’s also why I see them as partners rather than just a lab. I do my tests at home, but we have a call and discuss dosing, they take care of supplies and refills, etc.
Take my recent high side INR after traveling as an example. I sent in my result. They proposed a dose change that required pill splitting. I told them what I had on hand and countered an alternative dose within 0.5mg’s of their proposal and mine wouldn’t require pill splitting. They agreed. Updated my chart. Two days later I was back in range.
I’m guessing Timmay’s experience ist nicht so gut.