One Year Inbetween Echos

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skeptic49 Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
My visit with cardiologist Dr. Keane at the University Of Pennsylvania yesterday went well. He believes my condition is stable and that it will be at least a couple of years before my condition becomes problematic. My next appointment is in a year. He believes that this is safe. So I'll have my next echo in April 2011. Of course, if I notice any changes or new symptoms I will contact him immediately.

Sounds good.Justin will be having an MRI at UofP hopefully soon and i would love to hear those magic words, see you in a year. What a nice way to start a wonderful relaxing summer (isn't it beautiful out today? )
Stable is Good. Stable is very good news.
My cardio had me in for echos every three months when he thought my stable was becoming a little less so.

I am now two years post op and on six month echos.
Hope you stay stable for a good long time. :)
I do hope your getting copies of your records. It would be nice to see what they are saying about you.
He believes my condition is stable and that it will be at least a couple of years before my condition becomes problematic.

Happy to hear your good report.

So,on the bright side..if the world ends in 2012 you may not have to go thru surgery at all:)
That's great news Jim!

Of course, if I notice any changes or new symptoms I will contact him immediately.

I should have done the same thing, almost got me in trouble.

Over 19 years ago I had my yearly echo and a stress test. I'd been having echos for 10 years and never had any kind of symptoms. My cardiologist said all look good, told me to come back next year. Four months later the ground came up and hit me in the face while doing my daily fast walk. But I did something foolish, the day before I increased my pace a bunch more than normal. After a few minutes I began to feel kind of strange so I slowed down and the feeling passed. Later I got to wondering if it was from the stenosis? Instead of calling the doc, the next day I tried the same thing, only I didn't have time to slow down before I blacked out.
I had AVR a month later.
Nothing wrong with that kind of news - that's great!

But you know Jim, even with this good news, that doesn't entitle you to stray far from here. Like Bina said "your stuck with us" lol
I do hope your getting copies of your records. It would be nice to see what they are saying about you.

Absolutely! I have all the echo reports and my ct SCAN cd.

What they say about me, well that's another story!;)

Any yes, Fundy, I just had an EKG and passed a second stress test recently.

Thanks for all the nice comments.


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