On My Sixth Re-Birthday

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Today (Wednesday) is my sixth re-birthday. I have thought about this anniversary more than I thought I would, because just last week I received a letter from my surgeon from back in '05, who kindly reviewed CDs sent to him of CT angiograms done recently in my new location here, and concluded aortic size and valve functioning appear to be fine. There had been some concern that I was facing another aneurysm, but apparently not. Whew!

So I am enjoying my sixth valversary very much. Some of you saw my Facebook postings Monday about having gone to the hospital on Saint Valentine's Day '05 for pre-surgery instructions. Even though the surgery occurred a few days later, I'll always associate my re-birthday with Valentine's Day. Those of you with a February date, I think it's a great time for a new beginning, this time with heart. ;)

This forum played a major role in my preparations. A wonderful angel named Mary started my pre-surgery thread. I treasured it then and I treasure it still. I can't find it in the archives now (my handle was BionicBob back then) but I did find a post-op report from my wonderful daughter Kristina: http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...nic-Bob-s-Wonder-Daughter&highlight=BionicBob

Your advice calming my fears about the breathing tube helped so much, as did your perspectives on a valve choice and so many other topics. Many of the people who helped me then are still here or with the other valve replacment site. A few, like dear Granbonny from Georgia, are not -- but she is definitely with us still and forever in spirit.

I remember the night before the surgery dining with my wife in a sports bar about a mile from the hospital. I remember walking into the hospital the next morning at 6. All I can say is that the whole experience was surreal. I did feel a certain peace with it all by then. And I remember just before they knocked me out to take me back to the operating room, my 6'-5'' son standing over me wearing a bright red St. Louis Cardinals jacket. He's always kidded me about my favorite teams, and taken the other side -- but he must have figured that if the old man was going to check out, he'd send him out happy with a vision of his son as a Redbird convert. :D

So much has happened since then. I have experienced the joy of grandkids being born and blossoming and progressing in school and in sports. I have been able to hike the mountains and the beaches with my trusty companion, Superdawg, who played a big role in my recovery. I am richly blessed in too many ways to enumerate here.

Without further rambling, I just wanted to thank you all for being here and for all you do.
Lovely to hear this positive story. It's six sleeps to go until my BAV surgery. I am a lot calmer than I was a month ago. There seems to be a certain peace that I've reached. I am still scared that something will go wrong, but I'm working hard to let those thoughts pass and feel more positive as a result.
Happy number 6! Your glass is more than half full and it shows and will inspire many yet to walk our path. I can't say that AVR was tops on my to do list but I have made some good friends through it all and I count you as one.

Thanks for your post, and friendship.

(in honor of Bob's 6th rebirth I will not post in my usual purple Comic Sans MS which I know he will appreciate):biggrin2:
Bob you really are this community's pillerof strength always there with a kind and reasuring word that eases the minds of those like Allison that are just settingout on the journey ....thanks for being you and congratulations,
BionicBob, and the member-formerly-known-as-Mary, have walked many miles together over the course of the past six years. :smile2: There have been some surprises, we both sport different usernames for one,:wink2: but the friendship is tried and true.
Congratulations on valversary number six and best wishes for many, many more to come.

ps Here's the link for your surgery. http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-10006.html
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SB, congrats on your 6th valversary and enjoy many more. It has been a total pleasure to be your friend for the
past 4 years that I have been here....SuperDawg included, of course.
Your heartfelt post will touch many. :)
Happy Re-Birthday Superbob! So thankful that you, and your terrific sense of humor, are here and celebrating these six years later.
Bob - I remember you as BionicBob. It is folks like you who are truly the role models for the rest of us. This is especially true for me now as I prepare for my own surgery in less than two weeks. Your courage and success help me to visualize myself as doing just as well -- and that helps me to find my own sense of calm as I enter the storm.

Thanks again.
Thanks to all of you good friends for your kind comments. And to those whose own dates draw near -- Allison and Steve -- I'm confident you will do well and we'll be reading your own reports of your journeys soon. If my reflections helped in any way as you prepare, I am very glad. All best....
A very happy 6th valversary to you, Bob! Thank you for your warm-hearted and touching post. You are a very valued member of the VR family. Raising my glass to you! :wink2:
Congrats to you Bob! Good to hear you are doing well, and have a full and rich life!

All the best to you!
Congratulations, Bob! That was an enjoyable post. You were one of the 'cases' I read a lot preparing for my surgery, and I'm still grateful.

I'm so glad things are going so well for you, and look forwarding to reading your anniversary notices for many great years to come.

Thanks, Debby (and all others who have posted re-birthday greetings this week)!

I followed your progress closely as well, given our shared Inova Fairfax connection. It must give some sense of security to be close to that facility and the surgeons. Our local hospital is highly rated for cardiac surgery and care, but I think I would want to come back there if I had to have a re-do.

All best to all...:smile2:
Hi SuperBob,
Sorry this is a bit late, don't get much chance to get on. Work and single dad with 2 boy's. I remember when I first joined this great family and the advise and positive feed back you gave me after my op was very helpful and I appriciate it. Wishing you all the best.