On lighter side - blade shaving on Coumadin ok?

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Nah, it's those 5 blades of pure flesh ripping sharpness. Wish I could get a good shave out of an electric razor. These Fusions are expensive. I could buy two new electric razors per year for the price of these things.
I think they're not being fully candid with you. You can use a regular blade to shave if you need to, but you must wear a helmet and knee pads while doing so. It's also good to have a hematologist on call, just in case. I have a website where you can send the picture... :)

It's really amazing the things people warn you about, which bear no importance. The bleeding that is truly concerning doesn't generally come from Shick Disposables, dental work, cut fingers, or scraped knees. Internal bleeding in the brain or the gut is what you wish to avoid. Wear a helmet when riding your motorcycle and get tested for occult blood in the stool, if you're having unexplained or continuing stomach pains.

Best wishes,
When I first saw this thread I thought it was about shaving with a straight razor. Don't laugh, I learn to shave with my dads straight razor. Those safety razors were too expensive. After I went in the Air Force I purchased my first safety razor. Wife bought me a Norelco soon after we married. Never used another blade.
Ross, I agree that those fusion baldes at $5 per pop are expensive

For cheap buggers like me, the 3 blade schick disposible razors for about $2.00 do the trick and will last about 30 shaves

Norelco, Philips, Braun and others, have spent $100's of dollars over the years and have a buncj of electrics which have had a single use....marketing gets me every time and i never learn.

Anybody need an electric razor used on time? several brands to pick from...Olefin, do not know how you can use that norelco?

i'll take my chances with shaving cream and toilet paper if i nick

Just caught this conversation and it reminded me of a trip to north Africa last year, fully dosed up on Warfarin and trusting my chin to a perfect stranger and his cut throat razor ! Luckily after a short while on Warfarin you really stop worrying about such things as shaving. As things turned out it was the best shave I'd had in years and I returned most days !


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Been using those GREAT Noreclo's for 54 years. I've bought 3 new ones over the years. Don't use it as much as I did before retireing over 20 years ago but I still shave part of my face every day. :biggrin2: And I don't eat ice cream every day. :tongue2:
I still get a laugh about anyone taking warfarin worried about shaving with a safety razor. :biggrin2:

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